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Dubby's non sport mk2 ph2

  BG 182 FF
Hello everyone,

This is a thread so I can post my progress on my 1.2L 16v Clio, simular to my introduction thread at the moment but i will post updates etc.

I havent really done much to it yet but only plan on a few simple mods just to smarten it up, although i love my car I would still rather not spend a load of money on it and instead save for a clio sport in time and then spend a lot of money on that. But in the mean time this is what i intend or am thinking about doing:
  • Desperately in need of repainting the back bump strip where paint has began to peel, this is my top priority at the moment.
  • RS Grill
  • Refurbish alloys- with the possibility of getting them powdercoated/sprayed (although unsure on this)
  • Lower it- although completely unsure about what ride height would still be practical
  • Considering spraying my own/buying silver bullets, NOT 2.0L ones but my 16v ones (unsure about this one too)
Any suggestions welcome.






Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Good plans!

It's a lovely colour and will look very nice when clean and tidied up :)
  53 Clio's & counting
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Great ideas mate, you're going about personalising your car without wasting money - I like it.

Get some Eibach springs, you will end up about 30ish mm lower, but will handle better but still have a sensible ride, rather than cheap springs that wil just be uncomfortable
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

15/06/12 (lots of photos)

Havent really done too much to my car since the last post although i have given it a good clean, dressed the tyres and used some "Back to Black" on the plastics, also just a few small updates:
  • Bought an RS grill but it looked too much of a grey/bluey colour so I sprayed that with a few coats of Satin Black, looks much better in my opinion but now i wan to respray all the plastics this colour! another job to do now.

  • Bought and installed some Citreon Xsara Mist Jet washers, much better than the old ones (video not mine but just so you can see how they work, tried to take a photo of my own but failed)
  • Aero flat wiper blades.
  • Removed the "Extreme" stickers, this was easier than i expected just used a hair dryer to get it off then cleaned it up with a bar of clay afterwards.
  • CS sticker and tax disk holder ;)







The Bumper strip still desperately needs re painting although i went and got a quote for £120!!! Tempted to have a go at it myself but i don't want to mess it up and don't really have the time at the moment- going to ask a few more garages before i decide what to do.

Anyway thats all for now :)
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Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Looks good so far! really need to do the same to my grill, looks miles better than the flat grey colour. As already said, cant go wrong with a set of Eibach sportlines or Prolines, will sit just nice and the ride comfort isnt much differant! :)
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project


Only a small update
Just got some new bulbs and a few photos after a good clean.
Decided to repaint the bump strip myself so just waiting on some paint to arrive and a day off!

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  extreme flamer
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Nice car mate, same model/colour as mines (only the 3rd one Ive seen in a year of owning mines, including my own)
I noticed you said you are going to repaint your rear bump strip, where did you order your paint from?
I want to colour code my front bump strips instead of the pinkish matt finish on them but I dont trust halfords for a good colour match somehow
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Nice! I will have a look at yours mate, I ordered my paint from autopaint, I haven't used them before but heard a lot of good reviews on here, so only time will tell.
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

with the painting you wanna order primer, 500 grit paper at least, you wanna flat them scuffs out prime, then flat the primer then light top coats, clear coat and blend the colour by mopping the car using g3/g12
  extreme flamer
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Cheers for that I'll keep them in mind for my next payday and get it done hopefully.
Seeing the standard rear bumper on yours kind of makes me wonder why I spent money on a sport bumper, the standard doesn't look bad atall. Are you going to match the bump strip to the rest of the bumper or are you trying to keep the same colour/finish?
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

I have now resprayed my bump strip and it looks about 100 times better & done the bullets silvers, will post pictures soon.
AND... looking at getting some Eibach Sportlines, so will be posting back about that.

And also got the day off of work for CSS ;)
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  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Are you going to match the bump strip to the rest of the bumper or are you trying to keep the same colour/finish?

I was trying to keep the same finish although now it is a lot glossier than before, which I actually quite like, going to have to match all the rest now though!
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Just some photos to show my back bump strip actually painted which is looking much better and also my silver bullets, and to show the stance of my car before i do any lowering to it.

Heres some photos of it after a good clean.

I also brought a Sony xplod head unit which was also packaged with this 12 inch phoenix gold sub, brought off of eBay for a local pick up, going to be fitting them on my day off tomorrow.

Also, i forgot to ever mention that I have a K&N 57i induction kit, I've always had it fitted but forgot to mention it, it makes next to no difference to a 1.2 apart from the noise, but was with the car when i brought it. All noise, no power ;)

Next things to be done is lowering and refurbish these alloys!!

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Love seeing nice sensible mods, looks so much better than one with lexus lights, bodykit and 18" wolfrace alloys. Keep up the good work.
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

For some reason the boot wont lock by itself now, so I've took it apart and manually locked it. Just have to wait for a new part, well i hope that's what's wrong with it!!
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

UPDATE 2/8/12
  • Fixed the boot lock, was fairly easy it was the solenoid. Just replaced it and works perfectly again now.
  • Type R Aerial, brought it off of somebody on here, makes it look much better and less like a remote control car now
  • Wind Deflectors, not so much for the look but the practicality of having windows down, doesn't look to bad either though ;)
  • Lowered 40mm on Eibach Sportlines- Much needed, looking much better, pleased with the drop.
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

Looking very clean and tidy! Love it so far, Xenons and cup spoiler would look awsome!

Tempted on both of those, I had been thinking about both along with rear sport bumper too, although I'm unsure whether to keep spending money on my car, or if i should just start saving for the next one ;)
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

I've decided that I'm going to keep and improve this beast for a while, due to having to spend money on other things i can't afford to insure and run a 182 to yet.

So, these are my plans:
  • Rear sport bumper- Waiting for one to come up nearby, hopefully a flame red, but if not will get it sprayed anyone know the best place to get this done?
  • Refurbish Alloys
  • Sport interior
  • New set of tyres- Any advice?
  • Fabia Splitter
  • Dewiper- Maybe,and if so i will get hold of a blank wiper plate like I've seen some one have on here.
And here's a few CSS12 photos (First 2 are thanks to Bonxy):




  ph1 clio 1.2
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

nice car mate, sprayShack on here are ment to be really good for spraying, there on this Forum too..
Re: Dubby's Clio Project

nothing to stop him trying himself! best to learn something, if it goes wrong spray shack will always help him out, aslong as you paint using the correct guidlines prep etc it should be fine! try youtube etc for a helping hand but i do bodywork for a living so im used to boothes. fair play to you tho my friend and the car is looking good :)
  BG 182 FF
Re: Dubby's Clio Project


Fitted my Fabia splitter after finally having a day off, excuse the bugs and dirt... I havent got around to cleaning it from Trax yet.



Also i have just tried starting to clean up my engine bay a bit but don't really have a clue where to start (will have a browse around here) but for now i have started cleaning the underside of the bonnet:


  BG 182 FF

I had a go at restoring my headlights as they had gone really cloudy, i used 2000 grit and wet sanded they then applied meg's scratch x 2.0. I will have another bash at them soon but they look much better already



Also had a go at colour coding the door handles


Rear sports bumper is being delivered either today or tomorrow too!
  BG 182 FF

Got my sports rear bumper now, although i didn't realize the arch liners fit differently so i will have to order some new sports ones!!
It sticks out a little on one side at the moment, although im sure this will be easy to fix, just haven't had the time!



Also one of my friends found somebody selling some Vmaxx coilovers, although they are the ones for the pre facelift model so will be changing the front hubs to fit them.. cant wait to get them on though.. this also means i will be selling some excellent condition Eibach Sportlines soon! So if you know anyone who wants some put them in touch :)
  BG 182 FF
Haven't posted in a long long time, moved house and been without internet for ages and getting everything sorted!
The car went through its MOT with no advisories and I been keeping it up together, usual cleaning, brake fluid, oil and filter, brakes, also it has hit 50,000 miles now.

Also looked at insurance and a 172 is now in reach, so after christmas i will be on the look out... cant wait...
Anyway, will be posting a lot more again now.




  Renault Clio 1.2 16V
Good progress mate! Cars looking superb!
Did you remove your door handles to paint them? If so how hard were they to remove?
