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Electrical Issues (help please)

  435D X-Drive
I have recently been having a few issues with my 182.

A little while ago after the car sitting for a few weeks I went out in it to find when I got back to the car it wouldn't start.

This seemed no issue I attached a jump pack and all seemed well...

On my way home the stop light and handbrake light came on. The car seemed to lack power and electrics didn't seem to be working.

After reading up on here I decided to test the alternator since then I have changed the alternator aux belt and fitted a brand new battery.

All seem well over the last week or so. Today driving the car the problem now seems to have reoccurred all the lights on the dash are now on and the electrics are not responding.

Has anyone got any ideas on what this could be any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Thanks in advance Adam

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
check the integrity of the main connector to the alternator, they can sheer off and if its close to doing that it could be causing the issues your seeing!
  435D X-Drive
Thanks mate no I have checked that and it all seems fine!

For some reason the battery is not charging I have just fully charged the battery and left the car to idle and after about 10mins all the lights come on an the car splutters and cuts out?

I have checked all the connections to the alternator and battery but I have no idea
