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engine oil in the carpet :(

  2003 1.2 billabong
I had a whole bottle of oil in the front passenger footwell and it decided to pop the lid off ( guess must have been the heat from the vents )

whole passenger footwell is soaking with oil. I mopped most of it up but its still there and absolutely stinks.

Is there anyway i will get the oil out the carpet or is it new carpet time ?



ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
We've all been there lol, dont worry about it! I think you may have to take the seat out though pal, although im not entirley sure!

Bolts are underneath the car if you do btw!
Find someone with a Vax machine. I spilt a new 5 ltr can of floor varnish in the back of my volvo V70. All thick light brown carpets and I got it out the next day. Also in the past I got oil based paint out of a stair carpet , that was a new 1 ltr can of white!
  2003 1.2 billabong
haha it seems so. yeah i think both seats need to come out, doesnt matter though the drivers one doesnt slide properly and moves about so it might actually sort that when i do it.

might have to sound deaden the floor while im there


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I have a carpet for sale in my breaking thread mate.
  2003 1.2 billabong
Thanks for that, i think my local car wash has one and they know me well enough. Hopefully they might be able to help
  2003 1.2 billabong
I just PM'd him about it. If i take it, it wouldnt be till the end of the month so if you need it Sash i can always find another.

always plenty of clios being broke on here :)


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
No bother dude, you need it before me! lol

Might sound a bit random but try using wood shavings or even cat litter to soak up most of the oil?
  2003 1.2 billabong
No bother dude, you need it before me! lol

Might sound a bit random but try using wood shavings or even cat litter to soak up most of the oil?

haha you could say that, anyone who gets in the passenger seats ends up swimming in oil :s

i thought of cat litter and the vax, only problem being is it was a whole bottle and its seeped through the carpet, ill clean it and the next day it will seep through again.

i do need to sort out the drivers seat anyway, its dodgy and feels twisted sometimes
