Don't think there's a guide as such but just make sure you take pics of pipe and cable routes, notes of where bolts come from and do the same with connectors and hoses.
Empty the gearbox of oil before removing the passenger side shaft.
172 cat to manifold bolts can be difficult to get off but they are doable.
When lifting off the mounts, tilt it down towards the gearbox side, makes it easier to lift out.
Are you coming out the top or bottom? Pretty straight forward if you are good with spanners.
The drain bolt is on the underside of the box, can't miss it.
Renaults are no different with engine removal I'm sure, same process of removing things and knowing where they go back on.
If youre coming out the bottom you'll need to have the car very high and drop the subframe with it. IMO much easier to come out the top. Taking your time if you are decent with tools will take about 8-10hrs.