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Exhaust Options

Andy P

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172, i20N
I mean if my exhaust wasn't on the way out I wouldn't be changing it, so its ideal for me.
Just can't decide between stealth or recessed. If I don't change to a recessed one, I can't regret making that decision! Whereas if I keep it as is, its like I've not made a choice at all.
I have actually changed from a recessed to a stealth Piper exhaust. But it is very much a personal choice. Once you cut the bumper there’s no going back though.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
I have actually changed from a recessed to a stealth Piper exhaust. But it is very much a personal choice. Once you cut the bumper there’s no going back though.

I did exactly the same. My recessed bumper was butchered though so it was a good excuse to go stealth.
