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EXTREMELY difficult to switch into 5th gear

  Renault Clio diesel
Hi folks. It has suddenly become very difficult to switch into 5th gear on my 1995 Clio. The lower 4 gears and reverse are fine, and sometimes it goes into 5th with no problems, but more and more often I feel a lot of resistance when I try to switch into 5th.

If I go back to 4th and drive for a while before trying again, sometimes it goes into 5th okay, but sometimes I still feel the resistance and I have to go back to 4th again.

Once I've GOT it into gear, there's no problem STAYING in gear, so I don't think it's the clutch.

Anyone got any ideas?
  Clio MK 4
sounds like gear linkage. My old car had probs going into 1st for 3 years. could never be arsed finding out what it was until one day i couldnt get it into 1st or reverse lol and had to get it towed to the garage.
