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FAO: All who have had driving bans

I know were all good boys on here really ;) but I was just wondering about insurance post-ban. How bad was everyones renewal quotes the year after? (Or straight away if you have to inform them immediately!)

Ive had a play on some of the online quote things and it looks like Ill be paying double and a bit more should I get a ban or 6 points... :cry:

[Edited by White16valver on 25 July 2005 at 5:51pm]

EDIT: On the plus side, it appears that passing my advanced test could save me 50 quid! *wooooooo* lol
  A well built VW

Astra GTE 8v after a triple ban £1000 but that was a long time ago now think it was £800 before but that was with 9 points


ClioSport Club Member

I got banned for 3 weeks, had a 206 1.4 at the time and was 22. Insurance went up by about 50% from £300ish to £450..on top of the £400 fine :oops:

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep

Thing is its the code more than the fact youve had a ban that costs. Obviously a speeding ban will cost less than a drink driving one. Can I be nosy and ask why mate?


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Martin. on 26 July 2005

2700 on a saxo vtr after 12 months ban...:oops:
What was that for? If you dont mind me asking?

My Uncles went silly after his 6 month toting up ban.

And hes a fossel.
  2005 Impreza WRX STI

not a ban but got mine revoked and had to start from scratch. 6 point stayed on and its crippled me insurance wise! i never speed now! lol
  Fiat Coupe 20v turbo

Quote: Originally posted by Deeg on 26 July 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Martin. on 26 July 2005

2700 on a saxo vtr after 12 months ban...:oops:
What was that for? If you dont mind me asking?

My Uncles went silly after his 6 month toting up ban.

And hes a fossel.
Dangerous driving...I was stiched up good and proper!:mad:


ClioSport Club Member

By te Police???

I got screwed over for a Carless Driving by the Police and their "investigation".

Quote: Originally posted by EvilJohn on 26 July 2005

Thing is its the code more than the fact youve had a ban that costs. Obviously a speeding ban will cost less than a drink driving one. Can I be nosy and ask why mate?
Well it wont be DD!

Itll be an SP30 I reckon - or whatever excess speed will come under.

Ive just got to wait for the summons to come through to see what Ill be charged with...
