Standard shocks, keeping them that way until they break. I was told they wouldnt last very long since they are permanantally on full extension. However I have now had that particular set of springs on for best part of 21 months I think! Plus had another set on for 4 or 5 months before that.
It took me 2 sets of springs to get that, first set I got was 40mm, which I though would be enough, but it looked too high at the front. So I went for the Spax -55mm fronts, and at first it made little difference, but a couple of weeks later when the springs were bedded in and it was fine. Think it could go at least 10-15mm lower at the front (ideally), but not seen any springs that will do the job yet.
I was also told I would needed shortened dampers with anything over a 40mm drop at the front. However I opted for the bodgeit route

, and took a gamble with a small hold drilled through my suspension cup and a sterdy cable tie doing the job. Doesnt sound too safe, but its never let me down!
Steve if your ever up my way Ill happily let you have a good look at the car and take you out for a ride so you can see how bumpy it is....
On the pictures where there are three cars mines the lowest BTW...
Daz cheers for hosting the pictures....