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FAO TIMO172 or any BMC Filter Users

  Megane R26

Found your post in April. You were thinking of getting the CDA-08. Did you get it and is it any good?

Wots the general opinion Vs the Viper kit?


  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

i got one on a 16v. very good, best filter iv had by far! and iv not even got the cold air feed sorted yet, its just pointing in the engine bay...

Im allegedly receiving teh SP-08 today after a 6 week wait. apparently the first batch of sp-08 to the UK??

Anyway planning to fit it very soon as Im having the Unichip put in at the week end and I want that done with the filter/exhaust on.

I like the CDAs look (black carbon), vs the vipers red/silver look. In terms of performance increases, I wouldnt hold my breath for either of them, but given the depressing lack of serious mods for the 172 (head, cams, throttle bodies), were all faffing around with the usual suspects: IK/zorst/map. Youd be lucky to see more than 10 bhp out of that.

have fun..

I had my Viper on my MK1, so didnt buy it especially for the Cup, to be honest it made a difference but not as much as on my MK1, I guess the airbox is pretty well sorted on the MK2. I might even try my std airbox again for comparison.

Hope this helps
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Has anyone got a photo of a BMC filter fitted. Ive heard quite a bit about them (not least the funky carbon finish) and wondered what they actually look like on the car.

