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FAQ Any 1 with Williams Transpant

  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

If i was to get a williams what would i need to change and would i need to do anything to the engine when i get it?

Had the cam done about 20k ish ago maybe a little more. new cluch about 2k ago. new alernator a few eeks ago. what else would i need to change? Also it is preety much as easy as taking the 1.8 lump out and putting in the 2.0 or is there more to be changed?

Cheers Tom-m
  Clio 190bhp Hybrid

AFAIK you will swap the 16v for a 2.0 engine just needing the full engine and ECU. You will use the same clutch but cams, belt etc will be an unknown quantity on the 2.0 engine as you wont know history/condition so will have to pay to get belt done.

Id just get a 2.0 bottom end due to the money youve already spent on your 1.8 and you knoe the history. Think thats what I will do as and when I find one.
  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

yer. will i notice a lot more difference with a 2.0 bottom end. is there a lot different between the 1.8 and 2.0 top? cheers mate
  Clio 190bhp Hybrid

Not gone to 2.0 as yet but I think I will end up just getting bottom end, that way you can do as much as you can to the 1.8 and fit 2.0 bottom last if still not happy.

You would not get much back in return for the work youve already done to your 1.8 and finding a 2.0 will be a task in itself, especially at reasonable cost.

Been advised that cams, ports etc are wilder on the 2.0 so ultimately it will be a better base to tune and Torque kicks in earlier so less thrashing required like the high revs required in the 1.8.

At the end of the day its up to you.
