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Favourite Car pic you've taken?

cheers mate, a nice autumn one here aswell:)


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Not a fan of Euro, but that is very nice...Not in ur face at all...Top effort mate
Zorba - any more pic of ur old 172 as i want to get one like that in march ?[/QUOTE said:
Here you go mate..........found some more of my car along with Lozza_cup's

mine was the Monico blue one










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i didnt mind too much to look of them (but now coming to think of it i should have gone for a different colour mat border) but what did p*ss me off was that the position of extra carpet for the cluch foot.
  Renaultsport Clio 182
Some very tasty pics in this thread :)

I'm going to have to get my motor washed tomorrow, and get out with the digicam! Best one of mine I have so far...



  LY 200
I aint got any pics of my car........ all the ones I have were taken by the previous owner or other people :( none are anywhere near as good as some of the ones in this thread :( :(

Note to myself.... need to take more pics of car ;)
Aust1n said:
Hehe.. you've got the same headunit as me in that photo zorba..

yeah mate they are wicked little headunits but a B*TCH to fit as there is no space behind the dash for the thing to slot into :(

thats what took me the longest to do!

have you got TV in yours?? never found out how much it really was to add TV, £80 ish???
  Yamaha R6
Zorba_the_greek said:
yeah mate they are wicked little headunits but a B*TCH to fit as there is no space behind the dash for the thing to slot into :(

thats what took me the longest to do!

have you got TV in yours?? never found out how much it really was to add TV, £80 ish???

Na I havnt mate.. need to look into it..

Yea I know what you mean about the fitting!.. doesnt help that it comes with like 90480860860 wires.. lol.
Aust1n said:
Na I havnt mate.. need to look into it..

Yea I know what you mean about the fitting!.. doesnt help that it comes with like 90480860860 wires.. lol.

LOL and also the wires are really thick! hard to get them to bend a little.

just changing the headunit made a major difference to the sound of the standard speakers thats for sure!
zorba how much did your go for in the end ? how many miles etc ? how much do u think i could get one for same cond as urs in march ? est ?
cliosport1.216v said:
zorba how much did your go for in the end ? how many miles etc ? how much do u think i could get one for same cond as urs in march ? est ?

Well i was looking for a long time for mine and i bought it private from a guy just off Junction 10 on the M4 (25 mins drive from me). I really wanted it in Monico blue as you dont see many about and its much the same as the Willy blue. it was a 2002 model UK spec of course

it was in A1 condition but the back 2 tires were dead and it need a service in 4k had 19k on the clock and he wanted £9,000 for it.

i managed to knock him down the end i took it off his hands for £8,300 CASH this was back in Sept 2004.

i sold it in Sept 2005 (12months later) with 30K on the clock for £7,100 (private sale)

regarding you buying one in March i would put something along the lines of 7-8k aside to get a monico blue 172 02/03 reg with around 25-30k on the clock. ofcourse dealers will sell them to you for crazy prices! i would go private if i was you and have a good look around.

hope this helps!? where abouts you based anyway mate???
Based in Chipping Sodbury near Bristol , my dad is in the trade ( Manager of Millhouse Audi ) so i think he will be able to get hold of one @ trade price for me . any ideas what the trade price might be for the car mentioned above ?

No idea mate.............i sell cars here and there for friends and family but i would expect it to be maybe a grand and a bit cheaper then a private sale. but that's only at a guess!

when i was looking at Renault west london for a 172 (just to test drive) their prices for sale were like £9,500 ! ! ! ! and that was with like 20k+ on the clock.

The Renault dealer guy said it comes with Extended warranty and the cars been check over blah blah blah blah and all that cr*p that is not worth the paper its written on as i found out when i had bought my "VW approved Polo GTi".

as my 172 was a 02 reg it had 1 year left of the Original warranty that was enough for me

but when it came to selling my 172 i took it for a joke to see how much renault would give me.........................£5,500!! is all they would give me for it!! as i said above i sold it Private for £7,100!

when i went to Honda to test drive the Civic Type R the dealer would have given me 6k+ and give me money off the Civic if i had gone for it!

all i say to people is look around. there is nothing to stop you going around and asking people questions
