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Fifa 12


  BMW 440i
Lol, I've been known to do that.

I love the head to head seasons.

Can only manage Div 8 though. Missed out on promotion to Div.7 by 1 pt the season before last, then I was relegated the next.

Got straigh back up to Div 8 again though now, found some tactics/players/formation im happy with though now, so reckon ill make Div. 7 this time.
I got bored of normal online. If you're a 5* team you play Barca constantly.

Won the cup on Friday and then went back to UT.


  BMW 440i
I'll give UT a try tonight, haven't as of yet. Here a lot of people rave about it though.

I find it varies between playing Real Madrid, Barca, Bayern Munich, Man City/Utd. Get the occasional Brazil, Liverpool and Yid. Managed a 8-0 and 8-2 last night in Div.9 lol
  Inferno 182 CUP
Bought a PS3 just for this last night.

Anybody who hates it is a ****.

Best FIFA game ever. Much more realistic .. great gameplay. Love it! I am shite but just beat some guy 5-3 online in my first game .. and he was pretty f**king good swell.
  Mondeo ST220
I'm not feeling Ultimate Team this year. Doesn't seem as good as FIFA 11. Sure I'll get into it though.

Half of it is I built an amazing team on FIFA 11 and had about 100,000 coins and you can't carry anything over which is a bit of a shame.
I got bored of normal online. If you're a 5* team you play Barca constantly.

Won the cup on Friday and then went back to UT.
I play in a league where the limit is 3.5 star teams so I got Boca Juniors... I use them in H2H for practice and it's much more fun

I mostly play pro clubs though, if you can find a big team to join it is genius
tempted to give away my copy of this game i f**king hate every minute of it

can't defend. can't shoot. can't get the ball off my opponent.

i was fine in fifa 11, this new defending thing has completely messed the game up imo


  BMW 440i
tempted to give away my copy of this game i f**king hate every minute of it

can't defend. can't shoot. can't get the ball off my opponent.

i was fine in fifa 11, this new defending thing has completely messed the game up imo

It's more realistic, you just have to be better. Just be more patient, stand off a bit more, but make tackles when necessary, rather than jumping/sliding in all the time.
If the opponent gets into my half there seems to be f**k all I can do about his players making runs and getting a quick through ball. Then they're off and do that f**king finesse shot around the keeper every time. My players cant catch up. If I try just "containing" them, I never get the ball and my opponent just advances up the pitch

Seriously fed up of getting beaten 4-1, 5-0, etc by anyone online and against the computer

Think ive won 2 games out of about 30 so far. Pure luck
  PB Clio 172
tempted to give away my copy of this game i f**king hate every minute of it

can't defend. can't shoot. can't get the ball off my opponent.

i was fine in fifa 11, this new defending thing has completely messed the game up imo

i agree with you !
  F56 MINI Cooper S
tempted to give away my copy of this game i f**king hate every minute of it

can't defend. can't shoot. can't get the ball off my opponent.

i was fine in fifa 11, this new defending thing has completely messed the game up imo

youre not the only one, annoys me bigstyle too, to the point where i just turn it off after a game or two and play golf instead. they dont tackle on this just stand there and watch plus i cant score a goal without it being offside, which they arnt. 11 was alot eaiser to play imo.


  BMW 440i
What H2H league are ppl in?

Im in 8, constantly get 3 pts short of 7. Going up this time though i think as I have had a cracking start! Great result when it was 0-0 all game and i scored in what must have been the 92nd min.
  Clio Dynamique 1.4
For the people who were used to the Fifa 11 defence and shooting settings send me a message on Xbox Live (Gamertag on left) I felt exactly the same but i changed the defence back to Fifa 11 were you just press A and your nearest defender/player will go an attack the person with the ball and also I'll tell you how sort out the shooting/crossing. :D
But that's pointless as when you go on live, you have to play the Fifa 12 way.

If you can't do it, then you clearly suck and should go back to playing with Barbie or something.
  Mondeo ST220
The defending is very different, but so what. Get used to it! It's a lot more realistic and brings more skill to the defensive side of the game.
Wow that was fun, chasing the AI around the whole pitch for '90 minutes'

If I don't "jockey" them then they'll just obliterate my defence and keep scoring. If I do what the tutorial says they just run away from me constantly and drain my players' stamina. If I do actually get the ball my team just stand still and make no effort to push forwards. Seriously f**king annoying and boring too

If I play online then it's either someone who's entirely f**king better at the game than I am, who will destroy me 5-0, or someone connecting to me from the other side of the world so the game is just a slideshow because of lag.

Thanks EA for adding that online code b****cks so my game has little to no 2nd hand value. There's £30 wasted


  BMW 440i
Yeah, they had two lines which introduced each game i noticed. I played 5 games last night, got boring after 5 games lol
  172 Cup
What's your tag pal


I'll hopefully be on tonight if you're about :)

What H2H league are ppl in?

Im in 8, constantly get 3 pts short of 7. Going up this time though i think as I have had a cracking start! Great result when it was 0-0 all game and i scored in what must have been the 92nd min.

I'm in Division 4 at the moment, i've been relegated once.

The matches do get very tough as you go through the divisions. The first few divisions I was scoring a fair few goals but now it's a tighter game and less goals - certainly makes for interesting/tense games though :)
  172 Cup
Wow that was fun, chasing the AI around the whole pitch for '90 minutes'

If I don't "jockey" them then they'll just obliterate my defence and keep scoring. If I do what the tutorial says they just run away from me constantly and drain my players' stamina. If I do actually get the ball my team just stand still and make no effort to push forwards. Seriously f**king annoying and boring too

If I play online then it's either someone who's entirely f**king better at the game than I am, who will destroy me 5-0, or someone connecting to me from the other side of the world so the game is just a slideshow because of lag.

Thanks EA for adding that online code b****cks so my game has little to no 2nd hand value. There's £30 wasted

I admit it took a fair bit of getting used to with the new defensive system but after a handful of games I soon got to grips with it.

Have you tried jockeying with your own controlled player whilst holding 'RB' to get your nearest player to put pressure on. I find this works quite well as you close the opposition down with 2 players and you can then move your own controlled player to cover/block any runs/passes the opposition attempts.
I admit it took a fair bit of getting used to with the new defensive system but after a handful of games I soon got to grips with it.

Have you tried jockeying with your own controlled player whilst holding 'RB' to get your nearest player to put pressure on. I find this works quite well as you close the opposition down with 2 players and you can then move your own controlled player to cover/block any runs/passes the opposition attempts.

Yea. If it's a team that's better than mine they usually manage to hoof the ball over my players and magically have a striker in loads of space

Or they just run away. It's getting tiresome, don't think I'm gonna bother carrying on in career mode
  Clio 182 inferno
Cs fifa league?

Not sure if there is one going at the min so if there is let me know the detail and i will join.
If not im on ps3 and think im gods gift to fifa!
If anyone would like to join a league for cs members im happy to create.
If you post your gamer tag on this thread i'll get one started.

Thanx folks!
For anyone that plays manager mode and likes to go the underdogs like newcaslte ;)

I have a found a great little player C.Mabwati very cheap and young. I got him at QPR 26goals in his first season with me on Pro.
For anyone that plays manager mode and likes to go the underdogs like newcaslte ;)

I have a found a great little player C.Mabwati very cheap and young. I got him at QPR 26goals in his first season with me on Pro.

:eek: sprint speed 98 ! Looks very fast for a underdog team like you said. Will sign him up on transfer day.
Thats why he has scored so many for me. He is worth £4.5million now.

Just signed Y.Djalo to go up front with him 96 acceleration & 98 sprint speed.

Just about to unleash my new attack :)
  Clio 1.2 16v
Re: Cs fifa league?

Not sure if there is one going at the min so if there is let me know the detail and i will join.
If not im on ps3 and think im gods gift to fifa!
If anyone would like to join a league for cs members im happy to create.
If you post your gamer tag on this thread i'll get one started.

Thanx folks!


not many here on PS3 though for a league mate but im happy to give you a whoopin' :rasp:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Patch 2 out today:

What’s in the update?

• Sometimes the game would get confused when a user called a second player to take a quick throw-in, where the game would consider the ball to have re-entered play. We’ve made sure this won’t happen anymore.

• We have fixed an occasional problem where a user’s crossing setting would default to Manual and need to be reset.

• Very rarely indeed, a physics error could cause a player’s leg positioning to become misaligned. You may have seen some videos of that around the time we brought out the demo for FIFA 12. As rare as it was (the vast majority of people will have never experienced it), it’s now fully extinct.

Career Mode
• You can now select the weather conditions before entering a game.

• Your chief executive’s salary suggestions when offering a youth player a senior contract will now remain consistent when exiting and re-entering the negotiation screens.

• We have made sure that, after releasing a player from the Youth Squad, his salary returns to the Wage Budget.

• When loaning in a player with an option to buy him at the end of the season, if that player caused you to reach the maximum squad size, you wouldn’t be able to buy him. Now you can.

• It’s now no longer possible to sign a Youth Player with a wage greater than your available wage budget.

• We have addressed a couple of rare situations where specific actions would cause controller buttons to become unresponsive.

• When playing as a player in Career Mode, your manager will now be more inclined to sub off your player if he’s getting too tired.

• We’ve made sure that commentary won’t fail to show up when playing League Cup games involving Manchester United.

• We have fixed a situation where, given a certain set of circumstances when editing and saving player positions, you could see player names converted to numbers before experiencing a console hang.

• We fixed an issue where it was possible for the user’s player’s team to enter a new season without a goalkeeper, or without the minimum number of players needed to play a match.

• We have solved a problem that involved the player’s team recording a win despite forfeiting a league game because of an insufficient match-day squad.

• Recently signed Youth Squad players who you’re attempting to sell on will now enter negotiations with an accurate, consistent ‘Current Wage’ displayed, meaning you’ll see them picked up much more easily by CPU teams.

• If you and a friend entered a Career Mode game with two controllers, advanced beyond the Player Selection screen and then backed all the way out again, the game would hang. We got that fixed.

• We have taken care of a bug that caused apparently random crashes in Career Mode, with players sometimes appearing with a zeroed cash value.

• Physical attributes of players were growing a little unrealistically since they were tied to their overall growth potential. We have made a change that separates the growth of these attributes from others, resulting in much more steady progression.

• You can now offer a new contract to players you have loaned out for the last year of their contract, before they run off and become free agents.

• Loaned players weren’t always growing fast enough. We have tuned this to be more noticeable, making loaning players out much more rewarding.

• More mid-week Career Mode games will now be played with night-time lighting conditions.

FIFA 12 Ultimate Team
• Using an outdated "Take Me There" link on a Trade Feed notification in the FUT hub will no longer result in your coins not being returned if you lost the auction.

• The Trade Feed notification in the FUT Hub for a newly acquired Goalkeeper Coach will no longer cause the game to hang.

• Creating a new squad, then immediately deleting an old one before then applying an item to your new squad could result in a disconnection. Not now it won’t.

• We have made sure that real-time information is displayed on active auctions. You’ll no longer find yourself unknowingly outbid while waiting for those auctions to count down.

• We have isolated and eradicated a data-flow interruption that sometimes caused the game to crash while players were on the Match Setup screen before a FUT game.

• You will now see your EAS FC XP increase – and your news feed update - after playing a single-player or play-a-friend game in FUT.

• We have optimised the game to make sure the console won’t struggle, or even crash, when paging through a lot of FUT auction pages.

• We have taken care of a crash that would occur if users entered FUT and downloaded the latest update after creating a Virtual Pro.

• We have made a couple of separate enhancements to the FUT pack purchasing system to make sure sudden losses of internet connectivity (such as pulling the network cable) won’t result in console crashes.

• We discovered that if you downloaded a roster update in FUT and, while still on the update confirmation screen, signed out from your Gamer Profile, the game would crash. Not many people would do that but, just in case they do, they’re now safe.

FIFA 12 Clubs
• Changes that Clubs players make to camera settings during a Clubs game will now find those settings saved for subsequent games.

• You will now be able to change your penalty kick taker via Team Management between the penalty kick being awarded and taken.

• Clubs players’ accomplishments are now fully tracked in online matches.

• We asked you, and you told us. Community feedback overwhelmingly suggests that the default AI in Clubs is too powerful, leading to clubs choosing not to field defenders in order to allow the AI to do their work for them. We have therefore dropped the AI difficulty level in Clubs from World Class to Professional, and have made some complimentary minor adjustments to AI goalkeepers.

My Live Season
• Injured or suspended players will now be automatically moved to the reserves, not the subs bench. And there’ll be no more missing subs as a result in subsequent games.

EA SPORTS Football Club
• We have made an optimisation that stops the game making too many calls for Support Your Club information on entering the EAS FC hub.

• Every now and then, when coming back to the main menu from another area of the game, the Back/Select button to go to the EAS FC hub was not always displayed and functional. That won’t happen anymore.

• We have taken care of a rare crash bug that cropped up when entering the EAS FC hub from the main menu.

• We have enhanced the way the game loads the pre-match arena before an EAS FC Challenge.

• All your Career Mode activity will now display correctly in the EAS FC news feed.

FIFA 12 Online
• An occasional problem saw users repeatedly failing to match-up online due to mismatching squad files, despite re-downloading the online squad file. We’ve made sure that won’t bother anyone again.

• A small number of people found their stats not tracking properly for Online Friendlies games. They are now.
Creation Centre

• We have solved a problem that saw FIFA 12 crash when trying to download PNG images (e.g. a team crest) that were over the maximum file size.

• Particularly keen Creation Centre users who bookmarked a lot of items to download into their game could find that they were not able to enter the Creation Centre gallery. Now they can.

• We have fixed a rare problem where it was possible in specific circumstances to find your Creation Centre team hit the pitch with a man missing.

• We have made sure that swapping and changing kit sponsor images on the web will no longer cause any problems on the console.

• We have improved the way FIFA 12 handles large numbers of Creation Centre downloads to make sure there’s no slow-down in the performance of team-selection screens.

• The game no longer struggles to retrieve Tournament Crest images in the Creation Centre gallery.

• We have enabled private sessions within the EA SPORTS Arena.

And some others...
• We have turned on our in-game podcasts. If you want to listen in, you can access our regular five-minute chunks of audio news and information by turning the option on in the Game Settings > Audio menu. [English language only]

• We have made some optimisations to make sure that people with lots of save files on their hard drives don’t suffer long load times or server disconnections.

• [PC only] We have corrected a problem where, after scoring a goal, custom music would stop playing for around two minutes.

• [PC only] We have added an option to the FIFA 12 launcher to disable some Windows settings, improving the framerate for people with lower-spec PCs.


ClioSport Club Member
Be amazed if the BAP fatigue thing actually works properly

Gets on my tits having to play 90 minutes but not really being able to run
  I love Lamp
Hmmm Alex will be happy he will have to go back to Anying our club then lol, the AI was stupidly good though
