One question for all you anally retentive geeks.
How do you centrally manage the deployment and update of this? As I'm reluctant to let the boss have his way at present because we'll put out the current version and come 6 months time there will be dozens of security exploits as is always the way with browsers, and we'll have no way of reporting on who is updated and who isn't?
In the same boat as you really but care less lol
I just push it out via AD GP. At least if the laptop users eventually connect to the corp network they have to do the updates before they can log on.
Again though, you've missed the point I made - there's no central update/management tool as there is with IE. I can tell you now how many of our computers don't have the latest security updates for IE7 - I can even tell you if someone is using IE6, or whether someone has installed IE8. I can only tell if someone has Firefox using our helpdesk tool, but that doesn't help me keep it up to date or tell me which patches - just that someone has 'Firefox v1.****' installed.
Yes, Like yourself I use custom helpdesk software which generates reports on software usage.
I work in a smaller company so is manageable that way. It would be nice if mozilla started looking at corporate rollouts as it would no doubt get them a lot more installs.