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First go at light painting.


ClioSport Club Member
So, I decided a while ago that I wanted to start doing a bit of photography and last week the chance to buy a 400D cheap came up. Picked the camera up on Friday night off a friend and hadn't had chance to use it yet.

Today I took it with me when I went for a drive over the Pennines and had a little bit of a play to get used to it, which ended in fannying about until quite late where I met up with a friend and we decided to give light painting a try. Unfortunately we only had iPhone camera flash's to hand so had to use 1600 ISO and we used a 30 second exposure.

So for my first time with a DSLR and first time light painting I don't think I've done too bad.



The photo's were a little grainy and I've done a cack job of editing out ghosts etc but I'm quite pleased.

Are the photo's grainy due to using such a high ISO? We're going to have another go tomorrow night with some brighter LED torches and using a lower ISO.

Any advice on how to improve?


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Superb !! Love the Polo one.

Grainy = High ISO.

You'd have got just about as good a shot on 400... Next time try one on 100, 400, 800 and 1600 and see what you come out with ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks. I've literally never used anything other than a digi cam for holiday snaps before lol, so I was really happy with how it went.

I've done a lot of reading on here etc so kind of knew what I was doing.

And thanks for the ISO tip. I was sure that was what it was but again, I've never done any photography before.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
All I can suggest, which I do every time someone asks, is practise !!!

If that's your first attempt... I'd say you're about 80% of the way there already. Most people fail spectacularly to begin with.. me included ! :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
All I can suggest, which I do every time someone asks, is practise !!!

If that's your first attempt... I'd say you're about 80% of the way there already. Most people fail spectacularly to begin with.. me included ! :eek:

Thanks :D

I'd seen it done a lot and had the general idea of how to use a longer shutter speed. The first few pictures were a bit cack whilst we got the hang of what we actually needed to do with the light but we were there for about an hour I'd say in total.

Only thing I found a nightmare was focusing the camera. In the end I parked my car facing his with my headlights on used auto focus, then switched it to manual so it wouldn't change again when I turned the lights off.
  1.2 Mk3 Phase2
Thats amazing for first attempt! wouldnt know where to start!
Love the polo but love the colour of the sky in the second one!
Good Work :)


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks everyone.

Going to give it a go with a lower ISO and brighter torches tonight and try it with multiple exposures focusing on 1 panel at a time to avoid the light trail you see on the polos bumper.
Thanks everyone.

Going to give it a go with a lower ISO and brighter torches tonight and try it with multiple exposures focusing on 1 panel at a time to avoid the light trail you see on the polos bumper.

If you have a brighter torch, like a maglight, you will be able to stand behind the camera and light the car well enough, reducing the amount of trails you will see.

As I've said elsewhere, these are really good! Make me want to go and take some pics tbh!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  E90 M3
Nice shots mate. The polo is lit up pretty much perfectly; the ZS could do with some light on the front/bonnet but it's still a good shot!

Great effort fella.


ClioSport Club Member
Love the Polo mate. Superb.

It looks almost computer generated in a weird sort of way?! :eek:

I know what you mean. It pissed me off because I spent all day cleaning my car. His hasn't been cleaned in over a week.

His interior isn't Tan leather though, it's standard grey cloth, the interior light made it look that way, but it's now been decided that he's getting his interior retrimmed LOL!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  E90 M3
Thanks pal.

Didn't light the front up as the number plate ruined the shot when we did :(

Two shots mate. One lighting up the side, the other of the front. Use the underexposed plate from the side shot when you merge them ;)
I know what you mean. It pissed me off because I spent all day cleaning my car. His hasn't been cleaned in over a week.

His interior isn't Tan leather though, it's standard grey cloth, the interior light made it look that way, but it's now been decided that he's getting his interior retrimmed LOL!

LOL! Really?! I thought it was tan! Looks nice with the roof lining tan, too.


ClioSport Club Member
Great attempt, first shot is awesome, shame it's not of your car.

Car looks noice too!

I know, I wish I'd got a better one of mine tbh. But his car was reacting better to the lighting so as I was trying to come away with some decent photo's I used his more.

Spent all day cleaning mine and it just didn't look as good on the pictures. Helps that red is the perfect colour to saturate in PS to bring the colour right out.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
They look very good indeed! Would love to have a dabble at stuff like this at some point.

Liking the stance of your Fiesta in that pic - much more noticable than in your avatar. :)



ClioSport Club Member
They look very good indeed! Would love to have a dabble at stuff like this at some point.

Liking the stance of your Fiesta in that pic - much more noticable than in your avatar. :)


:D Thanks. It's sat much nicer with the polybushes in now.

And you should have a go, it's easy. If I can do it with 0 photography experience. Anyone can.
