I had just finished doing my bonnet and started a front wing when the UDM cut out. I restarted the 120v converter turned the UDM back on and it started worked again but only for about 10 seconds, thinking it was the 120v converter I unplugged it and left it turned off for about 30 minutes, I plugged it back in and the UDM worked again for about 30 seconds then cut out again. Its 18 degrees outside in the shade so im unsure if its to warm for the 120v converter as it says ambient temp is 20 degrees or is this a known issue with the UDM? Also I had been using it on the bonnet for about an hour before it started all of this.
p.s I have a half detailed wing can I just rub the compound off with a microfiber towel or what?
I had just finished doing my bonnet and started a front wing when the UDM cut out. I restarted the 120v converter turned the UDM back on and it started worked again but only for about 10 seconds, thinking it was the 120v converter I unplugged it and left it turned off for about 30 minutes, I plugged it back in and the UDM worked again for about 30 seconds then cut out again. Its 18 degrees outside in the shade so im unsure if its to warm for the 120v converter as it says ambient temp is 20 degrees or is this a known issue with the UDM? Also I had been using it on the bonnet for about an hour before it started all of this.
p.s I have a half detailed wing can I just rub the compound off with a microfiber towel or what?