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Fitting a 172/182 Bumper

  Artic Blue 182FF
i currantly own this car...

and would like to fit a bumper just like this one...


Would i have anyproblems fitting it? and is it hard to fit?

  Golf GTI 1.8T
I think its pretty easy, hoping to put a ph2 bumper on my ph1 as soon as i can get my hands on one.

Do you need to buy the bumper cos I might know someone with a 172 one in cup blue, not sure if thats the same blue as your car or not.

oh and welcome to cliosport :)
why does it have to be the 182 bumper? You're gonna make life difficult for yourself trying to fill those exhaust holes
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  Artic Blue 182FF
YEAH, i kinda relised that... but ive just brought one off ebay. lol and it might not even be the same blue!!!sometimes i dont think im gonna get the 172 bumper!!! insted now...
172 bumper should go straight on a mk2 ph2.

Fitting it on a mk2 ph1 non sport requires a little modification.
  Cupra K1 & Clio 200
is it hard to fit a mk2 ph2 172 front onto a mk2 ph2 1.2? fancy buying both front and rear to get em sprayed the same time! thanks
  Nike Lunar Elite's
hon_n_gem said:
is it hard to fit a mk2 ph2 172 front onto a mk2 ph2 1.2? fancy buying both front and rear to get em sprayed the same time! thanks

As has already been said, the back goes on fine.

However, to fit the front bumper you require wings and skirts too.
  Chocolate Bar™
hydeyho said:
As has already been said, the back goes on fine.

However, to fit the front bumper you require wings and skirts too.

or lots of cash, and a good bodyshop :clown:
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Day said:
172 bumper should go straight on a mk2 ph2.

Fitting it on a mk2 ph1 non sport requires a little modification.

A LITTLE modification... NONE of the holes lined up on mine :(
  Chocolate Bar™
Wightman said:
i might leave it for a while, i deffently want the cup spoiler putting on tho its sexy!!!!

you have a ph2 so you'll be fine in fitting one :)
  Artic Blue 182FF
ahh... i Dont wanna sound thick!? but ow do u no mines a "ph2" its a "clio Campus Sport 1.2" ? it is new like! just wounderd . see i thought a ph1 was like a 172? then the ph2 was the 182 with the holes in the exuahst? Cheers
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Wightman said:
ahh... i Dont wanna sound thick!? but ow do u no mines a "ph2" its a "clio Campus Sport 1.2" ? it is new like! just wounderd . see i thought a ph1 was like a 172? then the ph2 was the 182 with the holes in the exuahst? Cheers

phase 1

phase 2


phase 2 mk 2


phase 3

  Nike Lunar Elite's
taylor said:
mark 1

mark 2 phase 1


mark 2 phase 2


mark 3




  RS 182 - Black Gold
^^^ There is also a Mark 2 phase 3

(the one with digital dash and the new slatted front bumper)

