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fitting peplacement gear knob(clio 1.8 16v)

  FULL FAT 182
hi just got a new valver gear knob from renault,has anyone fitted one before?

the bloke said i will need to jack up the car and wedge a block of wood were the gear linkage is and then hammer on the new one. but i will need to take the cap of before.
Has any one fitted one before, if so can you help please

many thanks nick



ClioSport Club Member
i have heard someone say they struggled so much getting the gear knob off that they ended up only changing the cap on top as that was the only bit they really needed..
  FULL FAT 182
ive managed to fit it, it was easy to get of i used a stanley knife a cut a series of cuts an ripped the thing off. but i was left with a plastic capping so i just got the coping saw on it and wrenched it off with a pair of grips. and then just slowly hammered the b*****d thing on.

now ive got a nice black knob in my hand, and now i know what gear im in lol :clown:


reading this makes me think its bloody handy mine was already on when i got it:Dstill had no luck with this nick?
  FULL FAT 182
jamesy its on but not 100% as i will need to jack up the car and support the gear box linkage.

get ur ass on msn man!
