Some heated discussions about the fast lane are happening in Driving Tales right now. I dont usually bother to read it as the threads all end up arguing the interests of gauging public opinion....
IMHO if someone is sitting in the fast lane whilst not overtaking, regardless of whether they are doing the limit or not, and I wish to overtake, then undertaking is not acceptable to me. I would only ever undertake if the 2 lanes to the left (and I would want 2) are completely and utterly free, thus allowing me to account for any stupid actions of the other driver and adjust.
Tailgating is also unacceptable. I would deem the correct action to be to sit a safe distance behind for a few minutes so the other driver is aware you are there. After that, I think a flash of the headlights is acceptable. Im sure it says in the highway code somewhere that the only acceptable use of flashing is not to say "thank you" or to "let someone go", but to signal to another driver your presence, to let them know you are there.
Therefore surely a flash is acceptable? If the other driver still doesnt move and is a complete tw*t then you have to grin and bear it. Its the only way.
What do you think?