Gally, I actually broke the Escos 6 months ago and a few bits were paid for over a period of time, the shell itself only finished being paid for on the 1st of July.
The car was a bit of a silly spec, I'd moved my own goal posts to many times and gone to far with it so I had to step back and release some capital from a garage ornament that would be used once a month on track.
In the past 6 months I've thought hard and regretted breaking it but couldnt warrant that level o money tied up in a car again, so I've now gone for a slightly more moderate spec and more usable car.
Naith, you probably did see it, we were in LeMans this year again and I did take the focus.
Sunday evening I think we had a little scout about on the track, peeked up the mulsane straight then went back to Arnage for a few bevvies then on to the camp site.
It was a bit wet on that evening to be start playing about tho!