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Fuel sender outlet to an fitting leaking


ClioSport Club Member
Evening all

On my Kangoo im running a torques an6 quick fit connector on the tank sender outlet pipe and ptfe braided fuel lines. Something has gone a miss and its started leaking a bit which means dropping the tank to find out the issue as no access hatch :cautious:

Not sure if the fitting has moved a bit and cracked the sender outlet pipe, i was a bit concerned this could happen so added a joint under the tank to relieve stress.

Has anybody run the same fittings on a plastic sender and had issues? Im not sure whether to bin it and go back to a normal fitting, due to its location and not easy to access once the tank is fitted. Any ideas or better solutions ?


ClioSport Club Member
I get the feeling that a cobbled together rubber hose combo would have worked but pikey, go for the expensive option and it leaks :cautious: :LOL:

Half considering making a steel pipe up so perfect route around tank as i think the an pipe is pulling on the fitting slightly making one of the o rings not seal properly. Will pull the tank and test it all to see whats going on. Bring on fuel pissing all over me taking the tank off


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
When you tapped the union to the pump Jon, did you use anything to 'set' the metal to the plastic? It's pure speculation at this point though. Until you get eye's on the leak of course.

The plan of making a rubber feeder sounds good but there's no promise that won't rub, perish and leak at a later date also.


ClioSport Club Member
@MicKPM im using a torques quick fit connector same as below so its just a pop on to the plastic stub on the megane r26 sender and nip up the cut nut. It seemed to fit ok when fitted initially.

Agreed with rubber probably failing eventually, ive seen some poor quality high pressure fuel hose recently.

Will drop tank in the next couple of days and report back. Will run the pump when tank is dropped to find the issue. Hopefully find a bullet proof solution, as im gearing it up for a 250 550kpa in tank regulator.

If all else fails ill run a 250 high pressure fuel line and join the an pipe up an the front quick connect.

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ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
I've never seen those kind of speed fittings before... but I like! I'm certain the issue will be as you suspect, the weight/vibration has caused the hose joint to move a little and possibly cracked the pump outlet. Drop the tank and go from there.

PS: The Van is epic!


ClioSport Club Member
Ive never seen the fittings until recently and they are great for joining an hose up. They seem to be a good bit of kit with dual o ring seal, but on the downside trying to get it fitted up to the tank with no tension on it is a carry on, i thought i had it sussed with splitting the line. No issues on the one that i have fitted to the megane 250 fuel rail up front though.

Might offer up the mk2 megane oem fuel line and see how it fits and use a push fit connector to separate the front section. Will see.


ClioSport Club Member
Leak resolved

Dropped tank and could not find any leaks with pump primed off the ignition a few times and seemed to be holding pressure. No issues with the fitting on the sender outlet - its a very good tight fit and a lot better fit than the oem fuel pipe.

I eventually found the leak after nipping one lf the an fittings up.

I had reused an old ptfe fitting with a new insert fitted, and for some reason there was a slight mismatch and the insert had cut into the ptfe liner slightly, and when nipping it up it turned into a gusher.

This is a new one to me as ive made loads of fuel and oil hoses in ptfe over the years and not had a single issue (tested some previous fuel hoses to 9bar and no bother)

Very hard to see with stainless overbraid until stripped down. Drop kicked that fitting into the bin, new one fitted and remade the full line with a better combination of new fittings, job done.


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ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy
@MicKPM im using a torques quick fit connector same as below so its just a pop on to the plastic stub on the megane r26 sender and nip up the cut nut. It seemed to fit ok when fitted initially.

Agreed with rubber probably failing eventually, ive seen some poor quality high pressure fuel hose recently.

Will drop tank in the next couple of days and report back. Will run the pump when tank is dropped to find the issue. Hopefully find a bullet proof solution, as im gearing it up for a 250 550kpa in tank regulator.

If all else fails ill run a 250 high pressure fuel line and join the an pipe up an the front quick connect.

View attachment 1530016

I need this, currently running a rubber hose which then connects to an6 braided hose via speedflow fittings.
