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Full cambelt/Aux/Dephaser Change and nasty knocking noise

  Clio 182
Hi all,

full service and cambelt/aux/dephaser change to include regas of a/c and now loud knocking noise from belt side and complete air con failure. Fan blows but not as powerful as it was prior from left central duck bizarrely either. I have read a lot on this with the various threads here and elsewhere but nothing similar it would seem.

Been in the bay all morning and nothing looks out of the ordinary. However, i have just found this sitting on the floor of the engine tucked away.


this is not a part i supplied and looks like a timing bolt?

no faults showing via obd2, no engine mang lights, no lumpy start. Knocking under idle from cold as soon as engine starts. A fair amount of vibration also causing the engine cover to rattle a fair a

dephaser, alternator and and a/c pump from what i can hear sound fine.

all work carried out 300 miles ago and used a total of 4 times since.

Thoughts and ideas re the above bolt would be welcome as im at a loss.

many thanks,
  Clio 182
Thanks both for replying, just got out to look and the long bolt at the base of the alternator is still present and a fixed properly.

completely at a loss. Will take the engine trim off in the morning for a better look but im stumped at this time.
  Clio 182

Here was another clip as i was checking for faults with RT II and found nothing.

it does sound shocking.
  Clio 182
Well with the work just carried out and then this rogue bolt on the engine floor, something along the lines of the belts and timing makes sense forsure. Its running, but horrendously.
  Clio 182
After a lot of reading and researching the bolt looks to have come from the air conditioner compressor mount. There are 2 and this one has come away.

Part 7703002190 SCRWEW M10X150-65

I have a few questions if anyone can help:

1. Would any work regarding a/c leak test/re gas and or cam/aux/water pump change require both bolts and the compressor mount to be accessed/removed?
2. With only 1 bolt in place, does anyone know or have had experience of belt issues or knocking noise due to this before? This mount looks to hold 2 pulleys as in the picture and if only one bolt in place could the mount have slipped which in turn has also caused the a/c to fail?

ac mount and pulleys.jpg

Appreciate its a long shot, but the work carried out was all centralised around the cambelt, aux and dephaser + water pump change along with a/c check and re gas and to have this rouge bolt floating about points me in the direction of potentially garage's fault here.



ClioSport Club Member
I can't see how there's room for a bolt that long to randomly fall out, especially so close to work in that area having recently been done 🤔. I'd say the garage are at fault here.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
View attachment 1600483

this is not a part i supplied and looks like a timing bolt?

Without having much to scale from, i'm taking a complete guess here. It looks like the bolt is either one of the lower inlet plenum to cylinder head fixings fixings (Timing case side) OR more likely, it's the fixing which holds the alternator upper restraint bracket to the cylinder head and goes thru the lower inlet plenum (These are common for getting stripped from over tightening and do fall out).
  Clio 182
Without having much to scale from, i'm taking a complete guess here. It looks like the bolt is either one of the lower inlet plenum to cylinder head fixings fixings (Timing case side) OR more likely, it's the fixing which holds the alternator upper restraint bracket to the cylinder head and goes thru the lower inlet plenum (These are common for getting stripped from over tightening and do fall out).
Hi MicKPM. Appreciate the reply. Fairly sure ita not the alternator. All bolts appear present. Where is the lower inker plenum bolt to cylinder located. I am stripping the bumper/splash etc on Sunday. This would be good to look for then? Thanks in advance.

