was sat at a set of light on a dual carriage way. when a metro gta come hammering up and rapidly stopped next to me.. two blokes looking over at my car revving up. (although itd been rainin all day, i thought y not? although ill just spin everywhere!)
light changed he hammered it off and me spinning all over the show left em for dead..
pulled back next to me at next set of lights, wound down his window smiling .. " f**k me!" he said " whats that got in it?!" "bout 150 bhp" i said. "jesus he said bet that goes!"
lights changed. off i shot again , him following. pulled up at next set, talked again.. "does that thing wheelspin alot?" he asked i said "well when i shot off just a min ago from u all i did was wheelspin all the way, couldnt put the power down properly!" he still looking shocked "how bloody fast is that in the dry then?" "dont think u would ave seen which way i went" i said. "f**k!" he said "i want one!"
lights changed, i turned off. waved goodbye...
sooo mant people dont know what the valver is!! its sooooo surprising!