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Funny Sound!!!

Last couple of days my car been making a funny sound when driving, its almost like there is a supercharger in the engine!

when the car is ticking over is it quite loud, and when ya put it into gear it makes like a wineing noise? as i said almost as its like got a supercharger? now its the first time i have heard that sound have you any ideas what the problem would be?

the guy who looks after the car when needing repaired is away on holiday for 3weeks, and the noise is getting quite bad!!!

Thank you!!!:approve:
  Clio Sport 172
mine makes a woooo-in noise sometimes dont really know how to explain it. ill trying and get a recording. mot soon. so im gonna get him to check the gear box oil ^^ like said up there.
  Clio 182
I had that strange whine/whoosh noise in mine today too, I hear it when I put my foot down on the accelerator... was told by the dealer it's due to the fuel injection system and is common to many Clios. Ahh well, at least I have the warranty to fall back on if anything goes really tits up.
Without hearing it it be hard to tell what exactly what you mean but saying its down to fuel system sounds like renault blag reason #4, I very much doubt it is but until it actually causes a detrimental effect to the vehicle they wont do much for you unfortunately.
Worn alternator bearings make the sort of noise you explained

was nuting to do in work today so took the belt off the alternator to see if it was it, turns out that it is, i stripped it back to find there was no lube in the bearings, i put some in it to see if it will help, if it gets to the stage i will just replace it.
