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Gaming beanbag ideas


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Anyone got one ?

I'm thinking about getting one .. xbox in my bedroom, and bed is in front of the TV with about 3ft between end of bed, and TV. No room for chair in front of TV, and sitting on end of bed 3ft from 37" LCD TV would mean I'd be blind within about an hour !

Also don't like sitting on the bed, or laying on it playing xbox, as I get neck ache in no time too...

This seems pretty cool for £58.99, as I can whack it on the bed.

Anyone got any better ideas !?
  172 and vw passat
was looking at these the other day you can pick them up for cheaper on ebay tho :D
  57 Clio Campus Sport
Lol I have the exact same situation I been sitting on bed for so long it's made a dent in it lol and my neck always hurt after a long sesh from not sitting up straight. They have exact same ones on eBay for £30+about £8 postage though so I would get it from there. I ended up bringing one of the spare 1 seated sofas up from lounge instead otherwise I would have ordered one


ClioSport Club Member
Also got one of these, over 2 years old now and still going strong.

Got mine of ebay, take a while to break them in but after that its really comfy.
  Audi S3 225
Are the ebay jobbies the same as the website ones? Very tempted to get one, have exact layout as you mention. At the moment i sit on a tiny beanbag that has deflated, just saves my arse getting sore on the wooden floor. These things look the nuts!
I'm sure this same question came up before christmas too, and this was my reply.

I got mine from Dunelm 12 months ago for £70, they still sell them now.

It's just an oversized beanbag with a high back.

  57 Clio Campus Sport
Yep I asked same question in general forum before Xmas. eBay ones are just as good as ones in stores and other online shops just without greedy company running them.
