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Gaming monitor vs Decent tv


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
So after using the monitor for a little while, has it improved my gaming ability, mmmm, maybe.

Tried bf1 for the first time in months, struggled. Going to try the tv again.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
@Simon998 @leeds2592
@anyone who knows

I’ve changed broadband so gone from 7meg to 35 Ish and also gone back to the tv. I find playing on the tv easier to see people far away etc but response time is better on the monitor. I play fortnite for reference.

I have the ASUS vs248hr 24” monitor. Any help to make things that bit clearer??? Or am I just used to a tv, in this case 50” on the wall.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
@Simon998 @leeds2592
@anyone who knows

I’ve changed broadband so gone from 7meg to 35 Ish and also gone back to the tv. I find playing on the tv easier to see people far away etc but response time is better on the monitor. I play fortnite for reference.

I have the ASUS vs248hr 24” monitor. Any help to make things that bit clearer??? Or am I just used to a tv, in this case 50” on the wall.

Think you may have me confused with someone else as this is the last thing id know anything about ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
I think I found your problem.

I play fortnite

On a serious note, that game doesn’t have the most detailed graphics so it probably is easier on a bigger screen.

The only thing I can think of is to make sure the settings are right on both the console and monitor. There’s a lot of people who use them and will recommend which settings to use to get the most out of them.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
When gaming who uses WiFi or lan?. No idea why I don’t use the latter as it’s supppsed to be so much better?!?.
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
LAN always, or at least Powerline/Home plug adapters.

CAT5E is ample, CAT6 if you're hard-wiring it into your house (price isn't much different these days tbh, but you won't notice a difference in bandwidth speeds but it'll mean you won't need to upgrade it in future).
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
Does your TV have a 'Game Mode'? That may give you a better refresh rate.

Are you playing on a console?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Does your TV have a 'Game Mode'? That may give you a better refresh rate.

Are you playing on a console?

Yeah has game mode. The tv simply isn’t as good as my monitor but I prefer to play on the tv, maybe muscle memory?!?
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
It will be the fact that the 1080p image is stretched over 40+ inches compared to it being compressed on to a smaller monitor. So you're seeing things enlarged but the quality won't be as crisp.

Like watching a low quality video on your Phone vs the TV.

For consoles, a TV is ample as the consoles usually don't do over 30FPS and most TV's handle 60FPS+ these days.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Be interested to see if there’s much difference with using lan, no idea why I haven’t tried it before.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Going to remove the lan cable as the routers in the garage etc.

So when I game later, plug the cable back in and the game will automatically use lan?
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
Wow. That’s a fair difference! I’ve a netgear nighthawk n6 wireless router so the wifi isn’t bad. You’ll notice a fair difference now.

Go to curry’s or Argos and get some homeplugs. They plug into wall sockets and allow you to use the electrical connection in your house as a LAN cable. (Trying to put this in layman’s terms before anyone shouts at me) you’ll get as good a connection as running the cable direct to the router but without having to drag a cable through the house.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah looking forward to having a blast.

Best mate is with sky and aparantly fibre, never gonna win top trumps



ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
I now use a monitor (24” 1080P) with my Xbox One X. Dunno if it’s just natural progression but these last 2 days on PUBG on it have seen me kill a $hit tonne more people.

I’ve went from playing it on a 55” 4K HDR Tv and don’t miss it. Sitting a lot closer to the monitor does help reduce the big to small difference.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah so far so good on my monitor. The package we have is 35 gig which is what WiFi/lan gets me.
