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Gave the new car a clean today - Mk4 Golf GTi

  BMW E46 330i Touring
Following on from this thread:

I gave the new car a clean today, as the previous owner had certainly cared for it but knew not of the precious steps of automotive detailing that keep a car swirl free! Unfortunately, I've not yet invested in a PC / G220, so all done by hand and existing swirls just masked as much as psosible instead of removed!

Anyway, no 'before' pics as I didn't really think of it at the time, so just a list of what I did and some final finish pictures!

Started off by washing her using some Megs shampoo I found left over in my folks' garage (pink, smells of bubblegum?) - foams up pretty well and seemed really soft and smooth on the paint.

It was clear at this point that there was no protection on the car at all, as the water just sat there in puddles. So I cracked out a new lump of clay and got going on all panels. Now, truth be told, I only spent about 90 minutes claying the car when it could have been a day's job in itself - but still a big improvement on the quality of finish.

Whilst claying I soaked the wheels and arches in AG Engine & Machine Cleaner. I then washed the wheels and gave the arches a quick scrub (tyre clearance makes this tricky whilst the car's on the ground).

Once dried, I sorted all the door shuts and found horrendous amount of gunk in all the hidden places in the tailgate and doors. Once removed it was ready for polishing...

The trusty SRP and EGP combo was cracked out, leavnig the EGP for about 90 minutes. In the meantime I stuck some Chemical Guys Wheel Guard on the alloys and dressed all plastics with AG Bumper Care and the tyres with Megs Endurance and gave the windows a polish. I gave the interior a quick hoover, wipe with Vinyl & Rubber Care and then sprayed with a nice bit of New Car Smell.

The EGP came off and P21s went on...

Aaaaaand, that's about it! Probably bits I've missed but I'm please with the results - it now feels like my car!











Thanks for looking, I'll do a proper 'progress' thread when I get my machine... :evil:
Looks much better in these pictures than the original ones, good too see you've got rid of those dodgy spaced plates. Cracking job on the detail!
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Funnily enough, the guy had the new plates fitted before he brought it down to me as it failed the MOT on the dodgy ones! Stroke of luck...

And, yeah, starting to get to a level of cleanliness that I like now. It was clean before, but not obsessively enough for my liking!
How are you finding the transition from Renault to VAG? I did a similarly thing 6 months ago albeit with the Lupo, first thing you notice is aren't the doors bloody heavy!
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  BMW E46 330i Touring
Lol, they certainly are mate, but reassuring so! All three doors close with a serious 'clunk' that makes you feel, and know, that you're somewhere secure.

I've only had the car since Monday but I really am enjoying it. The strange thing is that because it so much more comfy and easy to drive, I'm just cruising everywhere not even thinking about getting somewhere quickly or driving hard - just pottering in 5th!

My new casual style did mean that I some arsehole in a Focus estate sat on my ass at about 50mph through some lanes earlier, couldn't even see his headlights - seriously shook me up tbh! So I burnt off my anger by not letting some rude boy in his Civic overtake me on a 2-into-1 lane set of traffic lights... they must learn to be patient! :)
Definatly a change from the ph1, the standard mk4 is a reasonably nice place to be and with the recaro leather I can imagine its a very stress free cruiser, I can understand your relaxed driving style -Must be good for the fuel consumption too!
I will be interested to see how you get on with the Machine polisher, I bought a PC not so long ago, i ve only had the chance to do it once and found the paint very hard, I need some more practice I think.


  Titanium Clio 182
Like it Ads, nice choice + dark wheels suit the car gives it a mean stance.
