Lol, I just stumbled on a reader review of GOW on IGN. This particular numpty gave it 0 out of 10! Why? Cut and paste below;
"This is a really nice game EXCEPT for ALL the FOUL LANGUAGE, therefore I cannot purchase. Game developers should consider making two sound tracks, possibly able to select a clean version with (NO CURSE WORDS) or the adult with all the Foul Language to be selected in the option menu of all your games from now on. Or developing a TV Guardian Like hard ware that filters out all the Curse word of all the Games. Or some software that can be downloaded into the XBOX 360 that will not allow any ful language or swear words to flow out the sound stream. I have childeren and such lauguage is shameful. Moreover, I don't care to hear such language."
Further down the page from the same person is...
"ONE MORE THING Games Like Ninja Gaiden beautiful graphics, but some of the women are half naked this is like wise shameful, the clean version should have the women covered. The action and story is good, good defeating evil, but video games as a whole is going in a direction that morally corrupt and I mean that in the sense of the Foul Language and the Naked Women."
Honestly, are we all adults here? So you didnt buy the best game on the system (an adult oriented system) because they swear a bit? As for his children hearing it, well it has an 18 cert so he shouldnt be playing it in front of them anyway. One of the reasons I bought a 360 was to enjoy more realstic breasts in games such as DOAX2. Does that make me shameful?