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Getting p1ssed off waiting for my Cup!

Ordered it on 11th July, told it would be here first week in sept even though the factory will be shut for 4 weeks in August. Come the end of August, I was told it was more like mid to end of September. Come the end of September and its well, it might be here in a week or two.

They wont give me a courtesy car either, doubt Ill even get a full tank of fuel. Sold my VTS on 5th August, so have been borrowing family and work vehicles since. You dont realise how much you rely on a car until you havent got one!

Joined the club about 6 weeks ago! Hope this wait is worth it.

hello vestan :) You probably dont remember me, but Im a mate of Andy Rouse, in Witney - i used to have a VTS too! Nice to see you have moved over to the clio side ;) Hope to see your cup (when you get it!) round here if you are still in this area!! :)
  Weeman sucks ****

Best thing to do is to tell them to stick the car up their arse and order it else where, they might jump to that and sort you out. But then again...theyre a car dealer!


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Vestan_Pance on 29 September 2003

Joined the club about 6 weeks ago! Hope this wait is worth it.
Me too, going everso slightly mad now. Saw a Cup on the road for the first time on Friday...f****** hated it...I should be in one, I should be in one, I should be in one...repeat ad infinitum.

Ordered mine 26th July and was told it would arrive before the end of Sept. Then they changed thier minds and said becuase of the factory holiday it will be arriving on 15th Oct. Got a call last week saying my order was "in progress" and should still arrive by 15th Oct. The saleman didnt sound too convincing though. He also told me that Reno had sold their quota of Cups for 2003 so were trying to cut back on production. Sounds like complete nonsense to me, like theyre gonna be turning people away. B****ks. Wish it would hurry up though...

Quote: Originally posted by dirkdiggler on 30 September 2003

Best thing to do is to tell them to stick the car up their arse and order it else where, they might jump to that and sort you out. But then again...theyre a car dealer!
I probably would if I wasnt getting it for £10,180!
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

Ordered mine (172 not cup) at the end of august an i was told september then end of october and now told the 16th of oct so i just hope it turns up!!!

Ordered my 172 (not CUP) on 18th Sept and got a call today saying it should arrive 27th October. Not gonna believe it till i see it though..... especially with all the comments i read on here!

Quote: Originally posted by paulous2k on 30 September 2003

Ordered mine 26th July and was told it would arrive before the end of Sept. Then they changed thier minds and said becuase of the factory holiday it will be arriving on 15th Oct. Got a call last week saying my order was "in progress" and should still arrive by 15th Oct. The saleman didnt sound too convincing though. He also told me that Reno had sold their quota of Cups for 2003 so were trying to cut back on production. Sounds like complete nonsense to me, like theyre gonna be turning people away. B****ks. Wish it would hurry up though...
Sounds so familiar, oh yes exactly the same is happening to me!!! Same dates except mines a 172! Dealer wanted me to wait a bit longer cos hes on holiday and would like to hand the car over himself!!?!? :mad:
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

Seems to me theres gonna be a sh*t load of new cups an 172s on the road the third week in oct!! Every1 gettin them at the same time!

For those waiting for Cups/172s

When I ordered my Cup in June, I was advised that delivery would be 6 weeks. This was soon changed to 8 weeks as parts were on order. Then the frog holiday kicked in and delivery was put back to 8th September - even received the letter from Renault UK confirming this.

The days rolled by, the 8th fast approaching when uh oh, apologies Mr Evans, your car will not be ready until 25th September. I was fairly pi55ed off by now and lodged a compaint with Renault UK as this was not really the dealers fault (the dealer had advised that in the past Renault UK had offered vouchers, normally £100 for Renault servicing/merchandise). Renault UK dismissed this as untrue and asked me to go back to the dealer for compensation. The dealer said he couldnt do anything about it and refused to have it out with the boys at HQ. I simply told him for a measly £100 he would lose my business and if he couldnt sort anything out with his French counterparts, Id walk away from the deal.

10 minutes later I get a callback. A courtesy car would be provided from 5th Sept to 25th September at no charge, free mats, and 12,000 mile service free (normally costs circa £150 I believe).

The car eventually turned up yesterday - late!

This may give a little assistance in making the wait a little more worthwhile for you guys Cup/172-less.

A joke to cheer you up:

Frank Bruno was found last night with his knob between two dry biscuits. He later admitted that he was f**king crackers.

I got a phone call last week, not getting mine till the 20th of October, another three days on! only ordered it on the 26th of July! :mad:
  Abarth 595 Trufeo

Word from my dealer with regards to 172 (not cups) is:

that there is a problem getting cruise control parts & this has delayed delivery by a week.

I was meant to pick up the new 172 on the 10h Oct & now Ive been told the 17th. Well see - I have specifically told him I need the car by the 26th - we will have to see what happens if they bump it past that date.

~ H ~
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

The date for my 172 seems to chang that often ive decided not to get excited untill they actually ring me to collect it! 1 day its the 20th the next the 16th then the 20th again! Surely once a car is produced it is booked for transport on a certain day to be delivered on a date! surely haulage companies etc need to know when to collect cars from the docks!
