Nothing at the mo :(
Just our of curiosty, How much do you give the car the beans? *e.g 2nd all the way to 60*
I did once, it was a tad dangerous though. I like to keep it below 5k revs now. It is alot easier to control then.
do you mean how often?
During the week none, as there is too much rush hour traffic, on the weekend or evenings, most of the time if it is safe, that is why I have a fast car,
Always,Opposite lock out of every junction FTW .
Not very often atm, as most of my journeys don't allow it to get to full temp. As soon as it does I'm on the hunt for country roads.
As I live in Germany (for now) I get to go ob the bahn every day, if I want! Awesome when you just feel like a blast!!!
When warmed up, most of the time.
It wasnt designed to be driven below 5k so why do so?