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Gloucester Photoshoot - PART 3!

Yes another Gloucester photoshoot!

This was mainly to test my new rig, to see if it worth all the effort!!










Overall Im very happy with the new rig, it takes A LONG time to setup, but it's worth it. Oh...and we had a few ground clearance issues with Dan's car, as it's lowered on coilovers lol!

I have a few more to go through, but Im going for a ride on my bike as the weather's good!



ClioSport Club Member
No 9 makes it look like the Cup is drifting

Amazing Pics as usual Dan
amazing pics mate!

Lauren (the g/f) doesn't believe that the rig shots aren't 'shopped (i.e background blur etc) please prove her wrong. lol
  221bhp/ton Mondial Terror
New rig results look good mate, sorry I couldnt make it. Dan's car looks abit dirty ;)

lol, First time i'd cleaned it in 2 weeks!:rasp: Once again Dan amazing photos. The new rig worked out really well. :D Cant wait till you finish some of the other!;)
  E87 118d M Sport
Mmmmmm, my old monaco. Hope that hippie's treating it well!;)

:eek: yeah i try my best.

FPMSL! To be fair Mark has kept it in mint condition. The interior is imaculate. :approve:

aww cheers mate.

Those seats were fitted by my fair hands. So they'll probably fall out soon.

they have been perfect mate! no problems at all. mines starting to squeak abit now....have to oil it up i think :quiet:

amazing pics mate!

Lauren (the g/f) doesn't believe that the rig shots aren't 'shopped (i.e background blur etc) please prove her wrong. lol

FLOL!!!!! i think if it was possible to get THAT nice a shot shopped, dan would have gone down that route. they do take ALONG time to set up, but are WELL worth it!!!!!

This shot didnt work as well as I'd hoped...soz Mark!


i see what you mean. not dar of tho. is a very good pic to try for in the future!!!!!

Not sure what my opinion is on this one....thoughts?


i think that looks AWESOME!!! love the black and white touch!!!! the other interior shot looks like a marketing pic!! wow!!!

can i say - a MASSIVE thanks to quade. thanks for all the pushing and head IR alignment FLOL. Shadowness, you are a true legend, and your photography skills are IMMENSE!!!!!!
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  221bhp/ton Mondial Terror
:eek: yeah i try my best.

aww cheers mate.

they have been perfect mate! no problems at all. mines starting to squeak abit now....have to oil it up i think :quiet:

FLOL!!!!! i think if it was possible to get THAT nice a shot shopped, dan would have gone down that route. they do take ALONG time to set up, but are WELL worth it!!!!!

i see what you mean. not dar of tho. is a very good pic to try for in the future!!!!!

i think that looks AWESOME!!! love the black and white touch!!!! the other interior shot looks like a marketing pic!! wow!!!

can i say - a MASSIVE thanks to quade. thanks for all the pushing and head IR alignment FLOL. Shadowness, you are a true legend, and your photography skills are IMMENSE!!!!!!

lol. Thanks. Didnt train my legs at the gym this week so workout done! lol Was funny watching you trying to push mine on that last rig shot we did!;) Gotta say a massive thanks to Dan for taking the pics in the first place. Soon to be a cliosport legend. :approve:
lol, no worries guys. Anytime :)

I think we need to come up with some more interesting locations though, there's only so much we can do in car parks!

Black mountains is defo needed soon!
  221bhp/ton Mondial Terror
Dan you got the rig shot of mine from the front? Could you send me the sillouette one of mine from the side. Cheers mate.
love these, we should do a shoot together sometime????
A clio sport open day? - £50 for 5 .....8x12" prints????
