Lee said:
I filled a 2gb and half a 1gb card!! I hadn't got any others with me!
No, that was with just the lens. Most the cars are only about 80-90mm focal length, the bikes more 150+.
I wish I'd taken a few more bike ones as they've come out really well. Some of the morning ones are a bit hit and miss while I played with some settings, but by the end of the day I was getting them bang on.
i got an extra 2gb card on friday and this is the first time i have not filled all available memory, only used the 2gb and about 10 pics from the 1gb, although i have had a the balls to go .raw yet, wanted to be able to take around 6-8 shots in succession to ge the best one and wasn't sure whether using .raw would give me that ability (or even jpg + .raw)
I got some good bike shots too, would have like to have got more, i had some terrible viewing places though as the people who were with me didn't care where the stood so just plonked anywhere and was pretty stcuk most of the day, next year i think i may go alone so i can do what i want, stand where i want and not feel i lost out on some very good shots.
Most of my best ones were towards the end when i managed to get to the front at one of the corssings, bit too late by then though and after 10 mins they all decided to go back down the hill to the merchandise stalls, rubbish!