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Google makes a big step with android.

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  Mk5 golf gti
How on Earth have we got from Google and Android to Area 51

Personally i think Google is trying to take over the world



ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
multiple articles from different sources help to prove that i am correct, not 100% proven but close enough


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
i think he just missed a word out, easily done

A word? Seriously is that all you find wrong with that sentence?

Don't have a debate using poor grammar, you're fucked from the start.
  Bus w**ker
seriously what is your problem, you are comparing two completely different cases

Well where to begin. As a child my Dad never really showed me much attention or gave me any compliments, so as I grew in to a man I felt the need to lash out more and more at those that are physically and mentally worse off than I am. This has led to a life of finding such retards, mostly on "the internets" where they are easy pray, and publicly displaying their many flaws. Sometimes people will react with "LOL" others say I'm just doing it for the "LULZ" and some, such as yourself, react with poor grammar, literacy and with a bit of anger thrown in. In reality, I'm doing it as a public service and to hopefully one day have my Dad turn to me and say "Well done son, I'm proud"...hopefully not in the Yorkshire accent that I imagine him saying it with, because he's from Nottingham and that would just be weird.

Hopefully that fully answers your question.

Also please look up in the dictionary the following:
  • Irony
  • Sarcasm

As always, happy to help.
  Bus w**ker

Oh you mean like the BT/O2/Aviva type people? :eek:

Yes Kevin, we refer to them as "The Special people". Except when they can't hear us and then they're known as spazwads.

I do not like knowing your real name, it offends me.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Well where to begin. As a child my Dad never really showed me much attention or gave me any compliments, so as I grew in to a man I felt the need to lash out more and more at those that are physically and mentally worse off than I am. This has led to a life of finding such retards, mostly on "the internets" where they are easy pray, and publicly displaying their many flaws. Sometimes people will react with "LOL" others say I'm just doing it for the "LULZ" and some, such as yourself, react with poor grammar, literacy and with a bit of anger thrown in. In reality, I'm doing it as a public service and to hopefully one day have my Dad turn to me and say "Well done son, I'm proud"...hopefully not in the Yorkshire accent that I imagine him saying it with, because he's from Nottingham and that would just be weird.

Hopefully that fully answers your question.

Also please look up in the dictionary the following:

  • Irony
  • Sarcasm

As always, happy to help.

please point out my poor grammar and literacy then i will accept it

i did not sense any irony or sarcasm in your previous posts


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
I accept that, but where would the comma go.

This forum is turning into a GCSE English refresher. Lol.
  2014 Focus Titanium
To be fair, laberridge doesn't seem like the most intelligent kid in the world, but is his prediction of Google providing broadband and such really that unrealistic? No need to go to town on the lad!

Then sbridgey brought a couple of websites up that would suggest laberridge's theory on tft panels had some substance - to be fair, comparing that with Elvis being dead is completely moot, the thousands of people hoping Elvis is still alive are just retarded fans who can't accept he's dead, not a company just stating about where and when their product originated.

And now, now it yet again turns into a f**king spelling and grammar contest. It honestly makes me smile how much people on here think so highly of themselves because they can spell, you all deserve gold medals! People on here wonder why this forum is losing all the good people who used to give this forum some credibility, and create threads such as "This forum - influx of idiots?" when really there are just as many idiots as there were before, but there are far less decent people because they've all got fed up of the bullshit and left.

Now, let's get this thread back on track shall we?
Spelling is one thing, forming a coherent sentence is a bit different.

Tv is going to change. Google needs to massively improve its GoogleTV before they make any dent in any sort of satellite company.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Should we just accept bad spelling and poor grammar then.

Sax-p ftw iirc innit.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I'd say join a book club if you want cogent writers, not an internet car forum! But yes it has to make sense though as Revels said.

The integration of so many companies though is shaping the next decade to become one in which the consumer wins I think, as there is so much technology competition.
  2014 Focus Titanium
I'd say join a book club if you want cogent writers, not an internet car forum! But yes it has to make sense though as Revels said.

The integration of so many companies though is shaping the next decade to become one in which the consumer wins I think, as there is so much technology competition.

Agreed, all these companies now are investing millions into innovations which is just plain awesome for us consumers! :D


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Spelling is one thing, forming a coherent sentence is a bit different.

Tv is going to change. Google needs to massively improve its GoogleTV before they make any dent in any sort of satellite company.

The current offering isnt even a competitor, its a companion to existing TV services. Bizarre.
Well yeah. Same as AppleTv. But keep improving them and add a subscription service and more people will switch.

It wasn't that long ago that we didn't have any 'on demand' content. Everything was just watched when it was live, or stuck on a VHS.

Now you can record at the touch of a button, catch things on the iPlayer, Virgin have a similar thing, there's the SkyPlayer, iTunes, GoogleTv, etc etc. The way we view content is going to massively change. It won't be long before there isn't such a schedule, save for live events. Things will just become available and you'll be able to watch them at any point. Broadcasters don't like this system because they know everyone just fast forwards through the adverts.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh totally. Advertising will have to be present though to pay for it all - I predict forced adverts e.g. ones you can't skip through and much more product placement. We are already seeing that happen today, a new ASA requirement is to show a symbol when product placement is in a show.

There will still be conventional TV with listings though as people like routines and also some shows are best at certain times e.g. live sport, soaps in the evenings etc
  Bus w**ker
Then sbridgey brought a couple of websites up that would suggest laberridge's theory on tft panels had some substance - to be fair, comparing that with Elvis being dead is completely moot, the thousands of people hoping Elvis is still alive are just retarded fans who can't accept he's dead, not a company just stating about where and when their product originated.

And now, now it yet again turns into a f**king spelling and grammar contest. <snip>blah blah blah cry</snip>

Now, let's get this thread back on track shall we?
The point, which you and whatshisface, are missing with my Elvis dig is that just because it's written down doesn't offer any substantial backing to an argument. None of the sites linked offered anything other than speculation, no facts or proof. This is the ironic and sarcastic point I was going for, which was sadly wasted on a few it would appear. Don't get me wrong, I love a mass debate (snigger) but you can only really argue a point if you can back it up with fact or have pictures from inside Area 51.

Spelling mistakes and the odd slip I can cope with, hell I make enough mistakes. What does boil my piss is lazy f**king spacktards that can't be bothered to use a capital letter, full stop or comma but yet expect others to read the illiterate drivel they type. This isn't anyone thinking highly of themselves, it's purely annoyance at the laziness of some that have no consideration for the masses.

Anyway, on to TV. Of course it's going to change, look at the vast improvements that have been made in the past 10 years. Sky+, Freeview, HD, PVRs, online 'catchup'...actually no the internet all together. If it's going to go one way that I'd predict the internet but the changes that would have to come about to allow that are far more impacting than just plugging a box in to your phone line and TV. Cost implications, bandwidth, distribution etc. As good as Google are - see me linking back to the first illegible post that began all this - even they couldn't manage this on a worldwide scale, not to mention monopoly legislation stopping it before it's already began.
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