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Gordini 200 and ph1 v6 high wycombe

  clio 172 cup, aprilia rsv
at about 3.30 near Wycombe High School, Gordini looked a tad dirty but was being followed a few cars back by a mint looking silver ph1 v6 niiiiccceeee
  clio 172 cup, aprilia rsv
i dont think so but i didnt really see if im honest. used to be 1 belonged to someone at the top of marlow hill, not sure if it was that 1 or not??
  Arctic Blue FF 182
I know there's a middle aged bloke driving a ph V6 around the wycombe area. Saw him at the petrol station!haha


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
i remember seeing a woman at the top of marlow hill in a ph1. Years ago though!

Theres now two lovely v6 reps in wycombe now! :p
  clio 172 cup, aprilia rsv
is there?! i havns seen that absolute piece of shite blue 1 with chrome alloys around for ages, is it still about?!
