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Got my Vee now :)


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
Some of you may remember, I posted a hello a few weeks back, and was looking for a Mk1 V6 - I bought the one I was going to see from a member of and it's awesome :) That's all really!

If you see me around in the Scarborough area give me a flash or a beep! Is there anyone local on here? I'm taking it to the FCS as well to be on their stand.

  Clio 1.2
ahh i love it. i mentioned to my brother i wanted one and he said its bigger than his rx7, and that i would prob kill myself in it. haha


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
I think the width is a bit of an illusion because the specs say it's actually narrower than my mates Astra Coupe Turbo heh :)

  Leon Cupra 300
Looks lovely mate, i work up in Scarb on fridays so will acknowlage you if see you kicking about :D


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
<head swells with pride>

Thanks all :)

gorgeous mate, sometimes i think i prefer the looks of the ph1.... dont know why, think its those old skool looks hehehe
Very nice. saw it on the v6 clio site too:cool:

Glad to see you got a load of positive comments when you posted - I got a load negative ones from people saying they didn't like mk1's:rolleyes: when I put pics of mine up on here.
  Renault Clio S
The sound of that V6 just inches away from your ears must sound like pure poetry.

And all that boot space - perfect for carrying a bag of kipper's.


Lovely car, but needs new tyres...not heard good things about nankangs :S


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
Thanks again for all the kind words :) I've been spurred on to go wash it now it's finally not raining hehe!

  Classic Mini Cooper
lucky bugger! congrats :rasp:
Indded, lovely vee mate, oi Dawn you cleared out your pm inbox yet, tried to pm you the other day and it says it's full and will not accept any more pm's till you empty it! Come on housekeeping!!:rasp:
