Quote: Originally posted by connor on 31 December 2004
Navman is better!
we sell both at our work & after using the navman its come along way since the tom tom,
to give u an idea, the tom tom go was the first of its kind (the all in one removeable gps thingy) and they have come along way since this using new software etc,
i mean the main thing about the navman which i think the tomtom doesnt do is the back on track system, which basically means if u go off the planned route for whatever reason it automatically reroutes you from where you are back onto the route u wanna take without going "Please pull a UTURN at the next safe point) which is impossible if your on a motorway!
& im not sure if the tomtom does it as well, but the navman has thousands of POIs (points of interest) which basically is places u wanna look for like petrol stations, hotels & even ur nearest cash point!!!! so if ur in the middle of nowhere & need a petty station it will find u one and take u there!
Not to mention u can program ur own POIs in so if you only run ur car on optimax for whatever reason you can just program in petrol stations that sell optimax like shell garages!
its really cool! get one

hehe hope that helps dude
Firstly the tomtom go had only bee out a few months, so how can things have come on alot since that.
Tomtom automatically reroutes you back on track, ive had the please turn around ONCE, if you are an A road it will direct you to a cul-de sac to turn around in, and it has NEVER told me to turn around where possible on a d/c or motorway.
Tomtom has thousand of POIs and you can add your own and download overlays containing POIs such as speed cameras, and then you can get a piece of software called check point which warns you when you are approaching a POI...such as a speed camera.
Tomtm has been around alot longer than navman and is far more popular, there are regular updates to it, and its on its thrid version now, been using tomtom for over a year now, all the ugs of the 2nd version werte fixed wiht the release of tomtom3, and so far i have found NO bugs wiht the software.
You can do a postcode search in tomtom, and you can plan an itinery, so if you want to go to birmingham, but stop off at tescos and ur mates house and then meet someone halfway there, you can program it all in, adjust the orderand it will take you from one place to the next.
You can set areas to avoid, e if there are roadworks on a motorway, you can tel it to avoid them and it will re route you.
IMHO tomtom is FAR superior to navman.....no offence but for someone who sells the units you seem to know alot about the navman unit and bugger all about tomtom...you wrere quite possibly using the earlier versions of tomtom, i urge you, go out wiht someon who has tomtom and you will find it is FAR superior