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Graffiti Wall Visit.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
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lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
I would of taken more but this area is rough as f**k and didn't fancy hanging about to long manoeuvring the car to get better shots.
you can go round the back of the wall aswell if you fancy squeezing down the side of a fence but I didn't on my own :p

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Are these the walls not far from Merry Hill? Glad to see they're still there :smile:

Nice shots mate, I like it :up:
That car would be perfect if it wasn't for the daft stickers on the grille. It looks really nice on standard wheels!


ClioSport Club Member
Look awesome as it is!

I agree I'd remove the sticker on the grille, silver wheels look really good against the black paintwork, I wouldn't go anthracite personally.
  BG 182
hi toby. Its either 85mm or 90mm I cant remember which one I ordered.
I will measure it in a bit and let you know.

cheers but dont trouble yourself man i've just ordered mine so there's no changing it now haha
