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There's a white 1.2 near me which runs about with red wheels, huge red sparco mudflaps and he's painted the grille bright red. It's also about 50 ft off the ground due to being on huge wheels. Me and my mates LOL everytime we see it, complete and utter disaster.
  EP2 i-VETEC 1.6
Paint it pink !

Just leave it as it is matey, Or paint it matt black if its well and truely faded.

Pink now theres a thought;), prob wud get my windows dun in lol. It is pretty faded so will prob buy an RS grille. To replace grille do u jus yank it out an stick in the nu 1?
  Titanium 182
Pink now theres a thought;), prob wud get my windows dun in lol. It is pretty faded so will prob buy an RS grille. To replace grille do u jus yank it out an stick in the nu 1?

ye it jus puls out and you clip the nu one in, £47 frm renult m8
  EP2 i-VETEC 1.6
lol i hav keys so dat cud b handy, an im from NI a ulster-scots place so me spellin an grammer r sh*te
  EP2 i-VETEC 1.6
They should pay me commission on here,
don't worry we will have you up to GCSE level in no time mate. ;) :rasp:

may tke longr than u fink, buh thanks alot mate uve been gud help will def PM u if a need any help cheers:approve::D
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