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ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
40mins to install. Will give it a bash later when I can get my wheel setup. Won't even bother trying with the pad, most likely be useless.
  Jap Box
40mins to install. Will give it a bash later when I can get my wheel setup. Won't even bother trying with the pad, most likely be useless.

Ahh great :(

I've only got a pad :(

Did your install take 40 mins? Mines been on 20 mins for about an hour lol

Guess ill install this tonight and then not bother playing it, annoys me so much having to wait for it, PS2 games were simple, put it in andaway you go. PS3 is way too much faffing around!
WTF are the top gear track specials all about? Has someone greased the track before the lotus racing. FFS!


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Any way of getting my pictures on to here. I've imported them to the PS3 photo album, can I get them off a memory stick or something?

P.S Clio V6 is a right weapon, constantly drifting!

WTF are the top gear track specials all about? Has someone greased the track before the lotus racing. FFS!

THANK YOU! Such a pain in the arse lol.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
I can't even get on the game!? Clicked on GT mode and its asking me to enter what time il be online and enter a greeting. I do it and press ok and it just beeps - nothing happens :(
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
I'll be on in half hour of so. Gonna host a go kart lobby if anyone is up for it???

New to the piss3 online thing but I'm ThumpingSP1
  Clio 1.2 16v
i want in! il add you and join later if your not bored of it by then

yes Kev! i cant wait to spin you off!!


ClioSport Club Member
The install shite on PS3 makes me glad I got rid of mine to go back to xbox.

Anyway, i am tempted to buy another ps3 just for this game.

Could anyone unbiased say how it compares to forza 3? I feel, going off the prologue, it will be realistic, good looking but not very fun :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
The install shite on PS3 makes me glad I got rid of mine to go back to xbox.

Anyway, i am tempted to buy another ps3 just for this game.

Could anyone unbiased say how it compares to forza 3? I feel, going off the prologue, it will be realistic, good looking but not very fun :(

Forza 3 is better imo. GT5 is a much "Bigger" game with more things to do but when it breaks down to it, it's just not AS good as Forza for the fun factor. I wouldn't buy a PS3 for it.
Not even close. It plays exactly like Prologue, if that's what you're on about.

I've got a PS3 and I'm not buying it. :dapprove:

It doesn't play like Prolouge at all, what your saying is completly at ods with every proper review so far i.e people who have played it for longer than a snapshot and I have put afair few hours into it now and its not without its flaws but the handling they have nailed!
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
Stick with forza seriously.

THis GT5 is a joke imo its so unfinished its untrue, whats the point in an 8gb hdd install when the load times are still slow as f**k?

From putting the game in to doing a race takes nearly 5 minutes. Its menu, go to another menu, then select off that menu, select from final menu, click wait 2 mins for it to load............

Theres noway that ingame the graphics are better than forza 3. The cars look better ingame in forza 3 but the scenery is better in gt5. In photo mode the cars look stunning but whats good with that when you want to race??

Whats the b spec malarky all about telling a driver what to do and just watching him complete a race?
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
Well ignore the pics you've seen up to now of the cars looking stunning because they look nothing like that ingame!
lol I gathered that. Photomode bullshots like every other game released. I've seen plenty of horrific pics online too just interested to see what cars people are running and what mods they've done.
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
GT5 is no better than what turn 10 offered nearly 2 years ago in the shape of Forza 3.

Forza is so much more user friendly, trying to set up a game lobby and invite people in gt5 is a proper chore. There are far too many options on the gt home screen aswell its proper cluttered.

Its taken 6 years and yet it feels proper unfinished to me..........

Cookie - Yeah i had GT3 ages ago mate
He certaintly is lol, even Christopher said the premium cars were way above Forza graphically so not quite sure where he's coming from unless he's rolling with std in which case its fair game. A good comparison between this and Forza 3 would be the interior of the MINI, in Forza its like a cardboard cut out.

Can someone come round my house and complete the bus trial on the TG track before I punt the controller through the tv?


ClioSport Club Member
Must admit GT5 isn't even letting me play at the moment, 2 reboots of the PS3 so far and the controller still won't work in the game

Anyone seen that? Can't do f**k all, it's just showing me a scene from photomode.. and none of the buttons have any effect :/
the thing this has pointed out to me about forza vs GT is most of the cars in forza feel fairly similar to me but every car in gt handles slightly different.

within reason, obviously a clio doesnt handle the same as a le mans car anywhere.
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
Also where did they research the cars?

I did a race just in a standard rx8 and it out accelerated a corvette and a Z3M i meant wtf really?
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
He certaintly is lol, even Christopher said the premium cars were way above Forza graphically so not quite sure where he's coming from unless he's rolling with std in which case its fair game. A good comparison between this and Forza 3 would be the interior of the MINI, in Forza its like a cardboard cut out.

Can someone come round my house and complete the bus trial on the TG track before I punt the controller through the tv?

premium cars certainly DO NOT s**t on forza 3 INGAME.

In photo mode the cars look frigging amazing like almost real which is very impressive but ingame they look no different!
The early races are easier, but I agree that shouldn't be the case.

Current Metacritic scores are Forza 3 (92) and GT5 (87) so whilst its not quite up there its hardly the (and excuse the pun) car crash so many people were hoping for ;)
