Right, my review of the game. I have both an Xbox and a PS3 so I was flicking between both this and Forza 3 for some comparrisons. Firstly, GT5 looks FAR FAR better. I was driving on the Tsukuba course on GT5, then I flicked over to Forza 3 on the same course, Forza looks like a cartoon compared to GT5. Also the handling on Forza feels alot more "Arcadey" than GT5, I felt more involved in the racing on GT5. Forza ofcourse blows GT5 out of the water with the customisation aspect, but I'm not overly bothered about that in a racing game.
To me GT5 just feels so much better, the racing is better, looks better and you get a really good feeling of the speed. Overall I would say GT5 is the better game, Forza for the lol's and GT5 for the Pro's.
This is all
IMO ofcourse. But, none the less, I prefer GT5. Gets a solid 8/10 from me, a good thumbs up!

(Only Uncharted 2 is a 10/10 for me!)