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Had a play with the new Nokia N97


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Had a play with the new Nokia N97 last night.

the flip/slide was very soild, i did have concerns it would be a bit weak.

the touch screen worked very well, in general i liked the phone. i also think is looks very nice as well
Not like the N96 slider then?

Very disapointed with mine... need to take it to Nokia to get them to tighten it up... it moves SO much.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
dont have any issue with the slide o my n96 very solid.

but due to the way the n97 slides i did have concerns it would break, but seems solid


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
i only used it for 5mins so very very hard to compare to my iphone.

but i liked the touch screen. i liked the option of using the keyboard or using the touch screen to type.

also worth noting all nokias can forward text, receive photos and receive song/ring tones via bluetooth. the iphone cant do any of these simple things


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
the one down side to the n97 is that its nokia and the software will let the phone down
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
There's no way there will be the same amount of apps like the iphone. Apparently Nokia are saying that getting it out of the box is just the beginning, implying there's gonna be loads of updates planned.
Just got off my arse and looked on the nokia site for comparisons. Its between the N86 and the N97 really. Can't be bothered to wait 3 months for my contract to finish to hop over to an iphone.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
also worth noting all nokias can forward text, receive photos and receive song/ring tones via bluetooth. the iphone cant do any of these simple things

nope, but I can upload my photos to flickr or photobucket. And send them via MMS. And I can forward texts or emails as either format - the Nokia you can forward a text as a text, or an email as an email, but not copy/paste a text into an email.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
I would have though the N97 can log onto and upload to both site but I'm not sure.

Mines coming tomorrow so I'll have to check out the forwarding feature that you speak of, cos I always want to send on txt messages as an email and vice versa :rolleyes:

You can copy to clipboard any text on decent nokias already.
also worth noting all nokias can forward text, receive photos and receive song/ring tones via bluetooth. the iphone cant do any of these simple things

Urrrm, yes it can.

You can't send music via bluetooth but you can do the rest.

Can you copy and paste on any Nokia? Does any Nokia have a compass? Voice Control?

No? Didn't think so.
You can copy and paste on the n96, and i'm sure it has voice control for calling etc. Not that I ever bother with it. Who uses a compass when you've got gps and maps??

Edit: That video above says the n97 has a compass too, still don't see much need for it.
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Urrrm, yes it can.

You can't send music via bluetooth but you can do the rest.

Can you copy and paste on any Nokia? Does any Nokia have a compass? Voice Control?

No? Didn't think so.

A f**king compass! LOL How do we live without the iPhone?!

My old K700i had voice control! Apple really have you fanboys hook line and sinker lol.

It's a f**king awesome phone... but stop making out it's perfect!!
  172 Cup
I'm looking forward to this phone, It will be a nice upgrade at the end of the month coming from an N95 8gb :)

Same situ. as you, good luck getting it as a free upgrade though. Voda want £200 quid from me for it.

Shall use my latest £150 phone bill from holiday as a bargaining chip.

iPhone is the best phone out end of.

Wrong... iPhone is a good phone yes, but fails on some of the basic functions of other phones.

It's like building a car that will happily do 500mph but not supplying the engine.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
ive had my iphone 3months i think now and seriosuly havent used it, its just sat on my desk with a simcard in it.

i updated to v3 weekend and ive only now just started using it. i cant live with a phone that cant forward texts.

so its looking alot better for the iphone as of v3
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Alright having a million million pixels, but it's sod all use if the sensor is crap quality.
  Never above 25mpg
I have a real compass if I want one. If I wanted a compass in a phone I would have the more rugged 5140/i rather than a fancy iPhone... when would someone who's passionate about walking carry a £400 phone with him round the countryside?

Camera is very bad for money. Touchscreen is awful also unless you have a decent keypad to go along with it. Not saying the Iphone touchscreen is bad, just touchscreen in general...

Had a play on Wolfenstein on my mate's iPhone, fun but like most other things, novelty wore off when I realised how dirty the screen was getting.
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
Is the Compass more accurate than GPS?. I think the N97 would've been better without S60 tbh & Nokia's now need to build a new OS from the ground up as Symbian now looks very dated compared to its competitors.

As far as the Iphone goes, its the OS that makes the Iphone imho. Get rid of that and you are left with a fone that is a couple of years behind with certain specs of the device etc...

Also the Palm Pre looks epic imho & maybe the fone that could challenge Iphone's OS with there WebOS. I love the Pre's "Swipe Up" to get rid of apps in the background and it can have up to 30 (as some people have said) open at the same time in the background, something which the Iphone can't do - true multitasking. Why Apple haven't created an update for multitasking yet is anyone's guess as the 3GS certainly has the processor!.
