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Head Unit?

  Clio 1.4 16v Billabong
I went to halfords yesterday as I wouldnt mind this JVC KD-AVX2 DVD CD head unit!

However I would like the control stick and the little screen in my Mk2 53 plate clio to work as well, and the lad said it would cost £55 for the wiring but I have to do it myself as it means taking the dashboard apart and it isnt easy. So has any one done this if so how easy is it or did someone else fo it or if not what does the screen say? They fit the head unit free of charge though!

Thanks for any replies!
get it from as its cheaper than halfrauds

as far as i am aware you buy the stalk adapter (also available from CAD) and just attatch it to the appropriate wire at the back of the h/u. u dont have to take the dash off

  Clio 1.4 16v Billabong
Andy you are a ledgend thanks for your help!

Have you got a head unit in yours an if so what affect does this have on your built in display?

What part of cheshire do you live in?

An have you got any pics of your clio as i dont think i have ever seen a Clio F1 other than the Mk3.

Thanks again.
its only my own interpretation of an f1 lol as in racing cblue with liquid yellow badges :D

ive got an alpine headunit but didnt nuy the stalk adapter! what it will do is display 'Alpine' or whatever brand u have on yuor existing dash display and you can use the stalk to change tracks and adjust volume etc

i live in congleton

  Clio 1.4 16v Billabong
Thats not that far from me its 28.3 mi (about 51 mins) according to google maps.

An your car is really nice, when i was looking on that site for the adaptors for a head unit to the stalk it had about eight different codes. How do i know which one i will need?
  Clio 1.4 16v Billabong
its 28.3 mi (about 51 mins)

You guys drive like girls up there! I could do that in 25 mins!

I seem to be the only guy in my family that on runs of less than 50 miles, can half the TomTom/AA estimate!

I was going off what google maps said I havent done the drive so i wouldnt be able to say how long it woud take me!

Any hows what do you mean we drive like girls up here, I wasn't born up here and i deffinately dont drive like a girl!

Oh and I agree with the timing I do this trip that is 22 miles on Mondays and that takes 10 - 20 minutes depending on traffic!

Any hows back to asking questions:

For me to fit this head unit i require to connections a ICT 29-652 which is the vehicle interface and a KD-AUX 1 which is the radio interface will this work with the JVC KD-AVX 2?
