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headunit problem

this isn't a clio problem but i'm sure the theory is the same so hoping some of you migth be able to help anyway.
the problem on my mums focus.the headunit switches on and functions as normal but their is no sound through the said on its services the headunit was broken.the car sat in the driveway for about 6months and when i opened it had mould on the steering seats etc obviously from getting damp this is my theory as to why it ain't working.
sounds stupid but tried removing the headunit the other day and couldnt get it out,seemed jammed and the front cover broke of slightly before it budged.
any ideas what could be causing it?i've checked the fuses


  Focus RS & Clio 172
If its powering up and operating as normal bar the sound, then its not the fuses.

If there's no sound from CD/tape or radio then either the internal amp is away, or the speaker part of the ISO has fallen out the back of the unit.

Either way, you need it removing, carefully. Once it's out try another head unit on the cars wiring. I'm guessing it'll run fine and the ford head unit needs binned/repaired.
