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headunit resets every time engine goes off.

  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
^^ as above. aftermarket sony headunit resets itself everytime i switch the engine off. why is this ?? what can i do to stop it ?
  172 Cup
Permament feed isn't connected properly. If you're using an adapter make sure one of the wires hasn't slipped out of it's terminal.
.Griff. said:
Permament feed isn't connected properly. If you're using an adapter make sure one of the wires hasn't slipped out of it's terminal.

as the man says, got a feeling you may have to swap the two round, permanent and switched, some units need the two swapping round to maye with the cars loom properly
  1.6 16v clio priv
i have a sony head unit. I found that on the connector block I had to connect the renault plug to the sony block mixed some of the wires up ie black to yellow, red to black. Trace the wires from your original wiring loom and make sure that the black from the loom goes to the black on your headset etc.

If this isnt the problem try swapping the red and yellow wires. or plugging both into one slot.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
All you need to do is on the sony wiring block is swao the red and yellow wires with each other and it should be sorted, no need to touch reno wiring :)
  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
yep sorted already guys. and yes it was the yellow and red wires which needed swapped about :).
