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Hello and help !

  Renault Clio mk3 1.2
Hi all .
My name is Richie and I hope you can help , I certainly want to help you as well if I can
I have my thoughts on this but I’m hoping someone who has experienced this can narrow it down
I have a mk3 1.2 16v Clio , 60000 mile and very clean , so , parked it up for 4 month whilst having chemo .
I’m on the mend now and went to fire it up , battery was flat , to be expected .
Charged it up and started car…. So it sounds like it’s missing and then revs right up to 3.5 k
Then the limiter kicks in
I’ve two lights on dash while running
Spanner and wavy line ( electronic light)
I’ve plugged my fcr in and it’s not retrieving any codes
So I’ve re- connected battery , tried to learn throttle body , cleaned . Tested leads and coil …ok
I’m stumped , we’ll leaning towards throttle body , and don’t want to go on a “ buying endless parts “ trip
Any thoughts or experiences very welcome
Oh…. It ran perfectly before being parked up .

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Hello and welcome :)

Does the car sound like a Subaru when you press the accelerator? I'd be very inclined to believe that its an injector. It could simply be blocked after being laid up for four months.

Strange how there's no code being retrieved though. I borrowed an admittedly high-end code reader from a dealership and it told me the exact offending cylinder that the injector had failed on.

If it is that - I'd not recommend driving the car if you can help it!


ClioSport Club Member
It's odd that you cant read any codes.

I would unplug the throttle body and check contacts for corrosion, can you move the butterfly by hand with the ignition off?

Then I would check under the fuse box, the 172/182 has a big white connector that a lot of things pass through, this gets badly corroded and causes all kinds of issues.

Does your code reader let you look at live data? Are you able to see values for accelerator pedal change?
  Renault Clio mk3 1.2
Fcr is basic mil code reader only , yes the butterfly moves freely by hand , in fact I set it closed and it ticked over , albeit roughly.
Ign on and off
It's odd that you cant read any codes.

I would unplug the throttle body and check contacts for corrosion, can you move the butterfly by hand with the ignition off?

Then I would check under the fuse box, the 172/182 has a big white connector that a lot of things pass through, this gets badly corroded and causes all kinds of issues.

Does your code reader let you look at live data? Are you able to see values for accelerator pedal change?
  Renault Clio mk3 1.2
Fcr is basic mil code reader only , yes the butterfly moves freely by hand , in fact I set it closed and it ticked over , albeit roughly.
Ign on and off
Continued …. And it reset itself to .3.5 k revving it’s arse off
But it won’t move via the pedal ie. Signal is not going from pedal to butterfly
And it seems to be firing on three , leads and coil check out ok
I really need to read these supposedly secret codes but can’t drive the car as is .
can you buy a reader that ain’t a £grand ?


ClioSport Club Member
Continued …. And it reset itself to .3.5 k revving it’s arse off
But it won’t move via the pedal ie. Signal is not going from pedal to butterfly
And it seems to be firing on three , leads and coil check out ok
I really need to read these supposedly secret codes but can’t drive the car as is .
can you buy a reader that ain’t a £grand ?
Yes lots. Either Renault Clip clone (best, but a pain to setup and use) or I like the iCarsoft units - but many alternatives.
  Renault Clio mk3 1.2
Development…….. mates snapon equip
Came up with …
  Renault Clio mk3 1.2
So to conclude this post ,
The throttle pedal and position sensor fried because i used a smart charger and failed to disconnect the battery from the car
Not sure how this happened, combination of fragile Renault electronics and a battery charger that likes to up the voltage.
Make sure you’re charging with the neg lead disconnected at least .
