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Hello! New 172 owner

Hi all,

I'm Ryan and I'm from somewhere north of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Just got my new car last night and loving every second of it so far.

It's a Monaco Blue RenaultSport Clio 172, '53 plate 47k miles.

Seems like it's completely standard, paintwork needs some TLC though. Bonnet is riddled with stone-chips and looks like someone has used a scouring pad to wipe off some bird poop.

Will give it a good clean up when I've got a few spare hours, unfortunately i'll be away with work all weekend so it'll have to wait.

I've got pics but Flickr is a pain while i'm at work so I can't get the embed url.

Here's the pics.


Clio172_1.JPG by Ryan Milton, on Flickr


Clio172_2.JPG by Ryan Milton, on Flickr
  2003 Clio Sport 172
Welcome to ClioSport Ryan! i joined last month.

Loving the 172, I've got a black one! planning to keep it standard, drop it slightly, re-map and custom exhaust in the next 2 months.... that way it looks like a standard 2.0L 16V 172bhp when actually it will be faster!

Cheryl x
Thanks Cheryl, I'm looking to keep mine pretty standard, just need to get it tidied up a bit.

Stuck on an oil rig just now though, can't wait to get back spend some time with it.

You have any pics of yours?
  2003 Clio Sport 172
I bet, my uncle & cousin work on the rigs! - i have put an album in the gallery section on here - if you search under my username you'll find it.
Nice car mate! I have a 2004 plate one!

Monaco 172 friend :)

Cheers mate, is yours one of the last 172s then? I thought mine was quite a late model because it has cruise control.

Any pics of yours? i'm looking for inspiration to get mine up to scratch.;)
