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ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Just thought I would join Clio Sport and say hello. I bought my first Clio today.
Part Exchanged my Saxo VTR and paid a little extra and ended up with
a 51 plate 1.6 16v Clio :approve:

I will post pictures when I have to car and probably start a progress thread.
  R5 GTT EFI Clio.
Welcome to Phill,

This is a great forum, full of great guys and a huge bunch of information, there is always someone to help you when your stuck,

May i suggest you change your "Car: Citroen Saxo VTR" to the clio as you dont have the VTR anymore?

I would also suggest becoming a full member, its really worth it,

Nice to have you on board,

Nick Harding ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Hi and welcome :) as nick says it's well worth paying up as there is a whole wealth of info at your fingertips!


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Whoops, forgot about the car details!
Cheers Nick.

Im heading off on my holidays in a day, so when I am back I will buy the full
membership don't worry.
I plan to use this as I have done other car forums with past cars for parts etc.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
I have a picture from my mobile, so its poop quality, but you get to see something at least!

