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Help diagnosing a problem

  Clio 182 FF
Just wondering if someone can help diagnosing a problem I have with my steering.

For ages i’ve had this problem, whenever I turn right the steering pulls me in more. Basically turning left is fine, go to turn right and I have to hold on tight as I don’t know what the steering is going to do.
When dry steering, you can hear a knock. And you can feel the knock when holding the lower arm.
Also at the last track day I had the car at, the power steering fluid was over the inside of the bonnet. When I opened the reservoir up it was sitting just above full and wasn’t particularly hot to touch. I’m guessing there’s air getting into the system?

Recently I have changed lots of things for new parts. None have fixed the problem.
New lower arms.
New ball joints.
New Steering rack bushes.
New drive shafts
New wheels and tyres
I’ve also had the wheels aligned using a place with a proper laser setup.

So my next theory is it’s the steering rack? Maybe pump?
Or if the overflowing steering fluid is a normal thing during hard driving and not related, then top mounts?

  Clio 182 FF
I should add.
The knock and the overflowing fluid are new problems that have only started (or I’ve only noticed them).
Also the last time I drove the car it was raining and it seemed way worse! When it dried up later on in the day, it wasn’t as noticeable.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Fluid boiling over is pretty common on track.

If you think there's air, remove the cap and go from lock to lock a dozen times or so to help bleed any out.

Not sure about the pulling on right turns though :unsure: are you on standard suspension?

Have you got a print out of your current alignment?
  Clio 182 FF
Fluid boiling over is pretty common on track.

If you think there's air, remove the cap and go from lock to lock a dozen times or so to help bleed any out.

Not sure about the pulling on right turns though :unsure: are you on standard suspension?

Have you got a print out of your current alignment?

The car is an FF car. Running on Koni springs and cup shocks. Here’s a print out of the alignment I had done.
  Clio 182 FF
It’s feels too much to just be alignment. The car drives in a straight line no problem.
Would a dodgy top mount effect the steering at all?
  Clio 182 FF
New OEM top mounts are on back order. Anyone know of any good alternatives?

Autodoc is showing me this.

