K20 EG Hatch
Downloaded the kevin and perry go large soundtrack last night, it has completed and all the tracks are there as mp3's but media player wont open them, problem with codec it says but quicktime will.
Anyway thought i'll burn em as a data disk and my alpine h/u will more than likely play them. Anyways i try burning them with nero and it just fails. Im burning them as i would normally burn any disc so wtf?
I can email someone a track if they wanna have a go at it? Im on msn messenger all day so if someone thinks they can help add me: dtrdan@hotmail.com
Anyway thought i'll burn em as a data disk and my alpine h/u will more than likely play them. Anyways i try burning them with nero and it just fails. Im burning them as i would normally burn any disc so wtf?
I can email someone a track if they wanna have a go at it? Im on msn messenger all day so if someone thinks they can help add me: dtrdan@hotmail.com