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help me!! has my box blown

  clio 172
my box made a bang last night and lost its drive! the shafts look ok and dont feel like they have poped out! plus it goes throw the gears ok and dont realy make much noise, just a sligt squiky grindy noise and the speedo still goes up! can any1 help me?????

p.s. i cant spell 2 well
  Mondeo TDCI 130
You really need to get underneath it mate! it could be any number of things!!, get it in the air, wack it in gear, really needs to be on a ramp so its safe, have a look whats gone on! sheared splines on a shaft maybe! as for your spelling! it aint that bad dude, i understood it perfectly first read!
  clio 172
i had it in the air 2day and i cant seem 2 c anything! the wheels still spin in the air tho! its well strange! i rung a gearbox place 2day and they said something bout a pin or clip on the n/s/f where the shaft goes in the box? has any1 herd ov this and if so what did it do when it happened! oh and when i was drivin it b4 it wend it started to click or sortov bang when i was commin off the power, then when i put it in reverse? but drivin falword it was fine and no cliks bangs or nothin, only when slowin down throw the gears, im lost and i dunno where 2 start next i just want 2 fix the fing! :(
If the speedo is still reading its thrown the diff circlip.

take out the passenger driveshaft and if your lucky the clip will still be in the boot of the d/s. if not then its box apart to pick out the pieces.

get some new ones from renault and slap them in and happy days until it goes again.
  clio 172
oh dear! looks like i need a new box! tryed the circlip and it wernt that! so im goin 2 take me box out and strip it down and have a good look at what i can c! hopfully it wont cost 2 much but still goin 2 get a new box as a spare:dapprove:
