Right, basically the previous owner of my car added a rear splitter thing to the bottom of the bumper of my car. Now, it is attacted with screws and something else and i need you help working out what that something is...
I want to take this thing off, but i don't want to be pulling paint off either..
See the pictures below..
One side has stsrted to come away revealing this:
It spongey, almost like window sealant.
It continues around the bumper, if you can see the white line..
And this is what it look like on the car...
Cheers guys! I appreciate any help.
I want to take this thing off, but i don't want to be pulling paint off either..
See the pictures below..
One side has stsrted to come away revealing this:
It spongey, almost like window sealant.
It continues around the bumper, if you can see the white line..
And this is what it look like on the car...
Cheers guys! I appreciate any help.